I HOPE YOU DONT MIND BUT CAROL ANN MADE A VERY GOOD STATEMENT. i tried to like it but was noted could not at this time . So here goes Carol Ann thank you Carol Ann Costanzo-Bsarany If you signed up for Obamacare , dont worry any more- YOU HAVE JUST HANDED YOUR LIFE OVER TO THE FULL CONTROL OF THE FIRST AMERICAN DICTATOR IN HISTORY. Oh, you dont believe that? Well then answer these questions (honestly if you can): (1) Why do you think they gave control of this system to the IRS (the most powerful, unregulated agency in our government)? (2) Why do you think they made insurance guidelines so strict that millions of existing policies are now being canceled by the existing insurance companies? (3) Why do you think Obama has exempted Muslims, Union members, and a handful of big corporations who have contributed huge sums of money to his Party? (4) Why do you think they want to know IF you own a gun when you are registering for ObamaCare? (5) Why do you think they want to know all of you banking and investment , and other unrelated personal information? Com’mon guys ... its time to connect the dots and start getting real about the second biggest fraud being pulled on all of America! This ObamaCare will totally ruin health care in America and transform us into a socialist/communist nation. Its happening now! The current leg of ObamaCare is nothing more than a disguised REGISTRY method to get you to willingly surrender all things they want to know about you, so they can better control you! Their software system is blowing up because they had various people build separate sections of it to do things far exceeding a mere database for health care issues, and then they are trying to merge those separate systems into one huge package. Theyve spent almost $400 million to build a database software system that should have cost under $1 million in order to be an exotic Cadillac in the world of databases. That by itself should tell you whats going on behind the iron curtains in Obamas Washington, D.C. If you register for ObamaCare using their online program (or any program), you may as well take out an ad in a national newspaper and publish all of your private information for the world to see! If you continue to presume the Obama Mob is trying to help you, keep in mind that is the same bait Hitler used to have people willingly line up at train stations across Germany and be transported to the prison camps he created for their health and welfare. IF YOU HAVE BEEN A FOOL ENOUGH TO CONTINUE SUPPORTING THE OBAMA REGIME UP TO THIS POINT, THIS MAY BE YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SAVE YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY. IF YOU WILLINGLY HAND OVER YOUR PRIVATE INFORMATION TO THIS CRIMINAL YOU WILL PROVE THAT YOU ARE MORE GULLIBLE THAN EVEN OBAMA EVER IMAGINED YOU WOULD BE. Even he never realized that conquering America would be this easy!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 20:07:36 +0000

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