I Had a Dream About the State of the Union Speech - TopicsExpress


I Had a Dream About the State of the Union Speech 20 January 2015 Lawrence J. Kaifesh I had a dream about the State of the Union speech tonight and that it was going to be different than what we have seen in the past and what we have come to expect from political speeches. Today’s political speeches are beautifully written by professional wordsmiths, expertly delivered with the aid of teleprompters and rehearsed so well the words ring like a song. The speeches give us great hope but because they lack truth, transparency, integrity and the follow on actions necessary to bring them to fruition, we are left with broken promises, distrust, uncertainty about the direction our government is taking us all wrapped up in the feeling of helplessness as we watch the quality of our lives continue to diminish. And so even though we are moving in the wrong direction as a Nation today, I had a dream that the State of the Union Speech tonight would turn things around and promote not diminish our ability to pursue Happiness, the American Dream and Freedom. I had a dream that truth and transparency would be paramount in this speech, for when the American people are given truth and transparency, they will make the right decisions and all will benefit, not just those at the top. I had a dream that leadership would prevail over celebrity in this speech, for leaders improve the lives of all, celebrities mostly themselves and personal interests. I had a dream that in the speech tonight, we will hear many profound truths which one cannot escape. Truths, such as: • “We face more than a deficit of dollars right now. We face a deficit of trust.” Because of this, I’m going to speak to you directly, truthfully, without even a smidgen of deception or manipulation. • Our debt is over $18 trillion dollars and growing our debt further is irresponsible and “unpatriotic.” I “will go through our federal budget — page by page, line by line — eliminating those programs we don’t need, and insisting that those we do operate in a sensible cost-effective way.” • On average, we have had roughly a $1 trillion dollar deficit the last six years. I will do everything in my power to grow our economy, increase the tax base and simultaneously reduce the need for certain government programs. • As a leader, I take full responsibility for our failures and will give credit to others for our successes. This is why I take full responsibility for the sluggish job growth over the last six years, the reduction of the median income, the growing income inequality and the deep divisions between parties, race, class and gender that have increased over the last six years. • As a leader, I’m responsible to make sure every American is self sufficient and capable to pursue their American Dream. If I make Americans dependent upon the government, I rob those individuals of pride, prosperity and their ability to pursue Happiness! I will do everything in my power to ensure Americans are self reliant and not dependent upon the government. individuals of pride, prosperity and their ability to pursue Happiness! I will do everything in my power to ensure Americans are self reliant and not dependent upon the government. • We know that competition is essential to get the best product and service for the best price and when government gets involved and competes against the private sector there is no longer competition. The result is a substandard product or service at an astronomical price. Obamacare is a perfect example. Because of this, I will do everything in my power to minimize the role of government in your lives. • Increasing taxes and adding regulations will only harm our economy and small businesses, which create 7 out of 10 new jobs. I will push for ways to further decrease taxes and cut regulations. • Let us not be fooled into thinking our unemployment rate is anywhere near where it should be. The U6 unemployment rate has us listed at 12.6%, taking into consideration those that gave up looking for a job, are marginally employed or working part time. To fix this, we must incentivize risk-taking, promote entrepreneurship and support booming industries like energy and technology. • As the government grows, freedoms diminish. I will do everything to promote a limited role of government in our lives and ensure every American the greatest freedoms. • ISIS is Islamic and we are in an Ideological war against Violent Islamic Fundamentalists, which will only be won, when we accurately and thoroughly frame the problem and develop a comprehensive strategy against the ideology. I will not placate those wishing us harm out of political correctness or cowardice to tell the truth. • Obamacare has not worked in providing more available, affordable or better quality health care and it’s proven to be the biggest job killer in the land, I support repealing it and replacing it with a plan that does work. • I failed to do anything about immigration when my party had the House and the Senate during my first two years in office and I was wrong to push my latest immigration plan by executive order. As I said before, “I am the head of the executive branch of government. I’m required to follow the law,” not make law through executive orders. Additionally, to push this executive order to grow the number of those dependant on the government is completely wrong. I will retract this executive order and work with congress to establish proper legislation to adequately address this issue. I had a dream that these statements would be made in the State of the Union Address tonight and that appropriate actions would be demonstrated initiating the reversal of the downward spiral we are on. And if these profound truths are stated and amplified from every village, hamlet, state and every city, we will speed up that day when all will be able to join hands and say; we can trust our government and our best days are before us, not behind us. God Almighty, please help us!
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 01:34:02 +0000

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