I Hate Techno Phones!!!! I hate Techno Phones!! Ok… Scratch - TopicsExpress


I Hate Techno Phones!!!! I hate Techno Phones!! Ok… Scratch that! I HateD Techno Phones!! I’d always been a Die-Hard Nokia fan. I’d gradually progressed with the models…. From Nokia 6630 to 6680, then N70, N70 music edition, E63, N80, N95, N96 , N97(I even wrote a poem dedicated to this one!)!…. Then N86 and finally N8 ! It would amaze you to know I got the N8 when it was just about a month old in the market, and it lasted for exactly One week in my hands!! Suddenly I realized I was stuck! That was the highest Nokia model in the market and I was already bored with it with nothing higher to reach out to! So I changed phone brands. Exit Nokia… Enter the BB! Bold 2 (the equivalent of Nokia 3310). Very strong phone and a good place to start. Then Bold 4, Torch 1, Torch 2, Torch 2(white)……. Then I was stuck again! There was no other model to reach out to! Hey!! Hold that thought…! You’re probably thinking and asking yourself “Didn’t he see BB Porsche,?”.. Well…. You see…. The thing is this….. Why would I carry a full fledged brand new Keke-Napep in my pocket?! Do you know how much a BB Porsche is?! And by the way, a Keke-Napep will probably have more economic value! So I was left with the white BB Torch 2! I started considering another brand change. At this time, there were a lot of options… The Iphone series, the Samsung Galaxy series, the Sony Experia series! Android phones had never really been my thing! Enter Dashmeth! A phone brand?! No Sir! Rather, the definition and ‘re’definition of phone brands! A software company?!.. For where??!!!! Dashmeth is just a man… A good-but-not-geeky-looking dude whose pair of spectacles had a way of looking like they were tilting towards one side. Tall and slim, it appeared like he was too tall, because just like his pair of glasses, his stature appeared to be slightly bent. On a very good day, he could be seen with a pair of tattered looking jeans (designers) and a checkered shirt with a back-pack! I’m sure you’re getting the picture. Now you’re probably thinking he’s some whiz-Kid electronic engineer and ICT specialist, right?? WRONG! Dashmeth is a Medical Doctor!! Dashmeth is the most ‘I-should-have-studied-something-else’ doctor I ever met in my life. I know you think I’m one of them who should have studied something else….. But Dashmeth is downright crazy (and I mean that in the most Christian way). Now, at every junction of my transition between phone models or brands, Dashmeth was there! He was always the one to tell me the next best phone model, and then he’d sit back happily, waiting to inherit the about-to-be-sold phone which would obviously come to him at a cheaper rate! Don’t you just love this dude?! At the Nokia junctions , he was there…. And at the BB junctions, he did not slack! I saw him recently with the Nokia N8 that used to be mine, and I had to admit, it did look better with him than with me. That’s a bit like seeing your friend with a babe who was once your girlfriend, and subconsciously acknowledging how good they looked together! (Bitter sweet memories…. That is what I’m taking with meeeeeee….. And I…… Will always looove youuuuu… *whitney Houston must have had a similar experience*) Ok… So I got stuck at the BB junction without a clue as to what next to get. Then here comes Dashmeth… And with a characteristic gentle voice , he says “Eh.. Chief… Have you seen the Samsung Galaxy S2?”.. What’s with this dude…? Is he like my phone guardian angel? The gentle voice continues “Chief…… You need to see the phone. Samsung has outdone itself” Oooooooh…. This guy should leave me alo… ‘How much is it?’ Then comes his smile as he tells me one ridiculous price. I guess this time however, I dilly-dallied too long… So Dashmeth took a leap of faith and jumped ahead into the sleek and stylish world of the Samsung galaxy series while I was still there ‘pinging’! I hate Techno phones!!!! My apologies once again. I meant to say .. I Hate D Techno phones!!! Techno had never been an option! China phones??? Ugh!!!!! They had everything from radio to TV, Dstv, USB port, CD player, home theatre with full blown woofer, jacuzzi, solar charger, and an antenna that responds to anything from the buzz of a fly to the distant hum of a plane in flight! The stylus is usually almost like a 6 inch nail! They did say Techno was different but I did not care! Duuh…. ! They were all China phones! This was the state of mind I was in when I got a message from Dashmet! The message was simple… “Chief… Have you seen the Techno Phantom?” My response …”Techno?!!! Have you gone nuts?!” ‘No Chief….. But you need to see the Techno Phantom’ “What’s tech about this your so-called Techno phantom of the Opera(sarcasm)” ‘Chief I sold my Samsung galaxy S2 to get the Techno Phantom’ “WHAAAT????!!!” Well….. You see why I took time to explain who Dashmeth was! If he was probably telling me about a recent development in Medicine or some newly discovered drug, I’d probably have written him off like a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal! But Phones? … I could stick my neck out! If Dashmeth says ‘Jump’, I’d just ask ‘How high?’! The next moment , I was on the net, looking for images and specifications…. And when I saw it, I gasped in awe! It was a beau!! Sleeker than even the Samsung galaxy s4, It literally warmed its way into my heart. And when I found out that the price was almost one third of the price of Samsung Galaxy s4 and half the price of Samsung galaxy s2, I knew this particular beau wasn’t leaving my heart in a hurry!!! Well…. I don’t have it yet… But I will soon. Or perhaps I could for once reverse roles with Dashmeth and wait to inherit his when probably I can convince him that there’s a new Techno Juju that has outshone the phantom! Whichever way, I must have it! But right now, and even as I write this, one thing is clear to me… If Techno doesn’t pay me for this advert, not even Dashmeth will!!!
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 15:24:09 +0000

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