I IS THE SOUL & NOT THE BODY A sense is not soul , because U - TopicsExpress


I IS THE SOUL & NOT THE BODY A sense is not soul , because U can apprehend an object through any other sense , e.g. , Previously I saw a tree & now I touch it , - such an expression will b meaningless if I is not different from the eye which cant touch , & from the skin which cant see . The I or the Soul is distinct from the senses . There is a fixed relation between the senses & their objects , e.g., between the eye & colour , the ear & sound , & so on . It is the eye & not the ear that can apprehend colour , & it is the ear & not the eye that can apprehend sound . If a sense were the Soul , it ( the Soul ) could apprehend only one object , but the I can apprehend many objects ; the eye can see colour , hear sound , & so on . Therefore , the I or the Soul which confers unity on the various kinds of apprehension is different from the senses , each of which can apprehend only one object . A thing seen previously by the left eye is recognised now by the right eye . This would have been impossible if the Soul were identical with the left eye alone or the right eye alone , on the principle that the seat of recognition must b the same as the seat of perception . Hence , we must admit that there is a Soul which is distinct from the left & right eyes & which is the common seat of perception & recognition . The Soul is distinct from the senses , because there is an excitement of one sense through the operation of another sense . When U see a mango fruit or lime pickle , there is salivation in our mouth . The sense of taste is excited . There is an excitement of the sense of taste on account of the operation of the sense of sight . This would b impossible unless there is a Soul distinct from the senses & uniting the senses . The Soul sees the fruit or the pickle & remembers its properties . The remembrance of the properties of the object excites the sense of taste . U can remember only - that object which U have seen . U remember the smell of an object by seeing its colour . This would b impossible if remembrance is a quality of a sense , e.g., the eye , which has never smelt the object . Therefore , remembrance must b admitted t b a quality of a distinct entity called the SOUL which is the common seat of perception of colour & smell . The Soul is the absolute Seer & is Consciousness in nature , whereas all other things , - objects , body , senses , Pranas , mind , intellect , etc., r seen & r inert in nature . The SOUL is the IMPERISHABLE REALITY , while everything else is PERISHABLE & FALSE . ( Excerpts from the book Vedanta for Beginners by Swami Sivananda , published by The Divine Life Society ) With this Soul , Good Morning friends & may U always b Blessed , Happy & Truthful .............
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 06:01:56 +0000

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