I. Israelis strategic objective if assassinating Palestinian - TopicsExpress


I. Israelis strategic objective if assassinating Palestinian leadership was two fold: 1.Tactical: Situational removal of competent leadership 1.1 It takes time for the next leader to learn the ropes 1.2 Slow down unification through power struggles 2 Strategic: Fragment the leadership 2.1 To place Abbas where he is at right now; 2.1.1 Why is it that Abbas is the 1974 Munich financier & operational leader but was not killed by the Israelis tasked with killing the perpetrators? 2.1.2 Israelis always go for top of the leadership & not lower rung leadership. 2.2 Intelligence asset: Comparable to Kim Philby 2.2.1 All higher echelon insurgent/resistance leadership: Small circle of who knows who is the leadership is; safehouses, , & Intinerary. 2.2.2 Ho Chi Minh could blend in with populous: Marlboro cigarette brand is how you it was Uncle Ho; 2.3 Attempts to install Abbas after Fatah lost 2006 elections 2.3.1 2007 Coup de etat of International Supervised Elections of Hamas win 2.3.3 2008-09 IDF Operation Cast Lead 2.3.2 2012 IDF Operation Pillars of Defense 2.3.3 2014 IDF Operation Protective Edge 2.4 January 2nd week: Israel & USA just declared that Abbas under the Palestinian Authority does not have Vienna Convention Full Powers 2.4.1 At minimum 1974 Munich Olympics to 2015 of Forty Years of Strategic Posture grooming Abbas to cede away UNGA 181 Palestine National Rights & sovereignty was neutralized. 2.4.2 Israel shall attempt to install, Fayyad, Queria, or Hamdallah : UNSC 242 is still ine effect. 2.5 Abbas is from the same village of Safed that Netanyahu resided at 2.5.1 Proffer the premise that Abbas has been on the LEHI/Stern Gang since pre-1974 Munich. 2.6 Benzion Netanyahu was the spiritual leader of the Irgun since day one to the day he died in 2012. 2.6.1 Benzion fulfilled placing Benjamin where he is at. 2.6.2 Why is that Netanyahu & Abbas are now attached like siamese twins? II The Israelis have always assassinated Palestinian leadership & attacking Palestinian civiliins since the begining: 1 April 8th 1949 Dier Yassin Village of killing 246 men, women, & children, including cutting out of two fetus from their mothers wombs. 2 1950s of ethnically cleansing all the areas that are now resided by Ashkenazi : 2.1 Palestinian & Lebanese families sought refuge in South American nation-states 3 June 5th 1967 to mid 1970s West Bank of expelling Palestinians them including Mayors 3.1 About 70% of Palestinian at Gaza are from other areas of UNGA 181 Palestine & some older familes from pre-UNGA 181 Palestine that is now State of Israel 3.2 Mar 1968 Battle of Karameh was the 1st IDF-PLO Palestinians 3.2.1 Not until 1981 Invasion of Lebanon was 4 1970s: IDF Air Force cross-border bombing of Jordans Refugee Camps 5 Late 70s IDF Air Force bombing of UN Camps in Lebanon 1981 Invasion of Lebanon: 6 1981 Invasion of Lebanon 6.1 Sabra & Shatilla 7. 1980s Oppression at West Bank triggered 1st Intifada 8. 1987 1st Intifada 8.1 1988 Rabins Iron Fist of breaking a limb of every rock thrower caught & demolishing the houses of the parents with 10-15 minutes notice 8.2 USA Recognition of PLO 8.3 September 13th 1993 Oslo 8.3.1 Foundation: USC 242 & UNSC 338 8.4 Oslo II September 24th 1995 at Taba 8.5 State of Israel is in breach of 9. September 27 1997 poisoning of Khalid Meshaal 10 2nd Intifada was triggered by IDF 2000 Operation Barbarossa 10.1 March 2002 Defensive Shield attack at Mukataa to take ito custody PFLP members who had assassinated Israeli Tourism Minister Zeevi 10.1.1 June 2002 Attack 10.1.2 September 19 siege till October 30th Arafat transfer to France UNSC 1435 10.2 April 2002 Operation Rampart at Jenin: Sharon open mike put them to sleep 10.2.1 25 Palestinians were murdered as captured POWs 10.2.2 UNSC 1405 10.3 March 22 2004 Assassination of Sheik Yassin [PBUY] 11. 2006 International Community efforts at peace result in internationally supervises elections with Hamas winning the election: 12 2007 Abbas/fatah Coup attempt: outcome Fatah is defeat at Gaza 13 2008-9 Operation Cast Lead 13.1 An attempt to creat the context for Zechariah Chapter 5 13.2 Zechariah Chapter 5:Liars & thieves of wicked nation inside the lead topped basket: State of Israel self-named Iron Dome 14 2012 IDF Operation Pillar of Defense 15 2014 Protective Edge
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 06:18:33 +0000

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