I JOANN MAE SPOTTED BEAR- MATO GLESKA A ORIGINAL OF WOUNDED KNEE A DESCENDANT OF 1890 WOUNDED KNEE MASSACRE.This is my family.. My great great grandfather Chief Thomas Wáŋbli Waháčhaŋka Eagle Shield. Húŋkpapȟa, Lakȟóta. Hes featured in two books - titles: Teton Sioux Music & Culture by Frances Densmore, (pgs. 394-402); Fools Crow by Thomas E. Mails (pg. 89). Eagle Shield is the son of the Chief Crawler. His brothers are: Spotted Bear, and Deeds, One Hawk, Iron Thunder, and Felix Crawler; His sister is Walking Robe Lady. All fought in the Battle of The Little Big Horn with the exception of One Hawk. Spotted Bear is a survivor of the Wounded Knee Massacre. Deeds was shot and killed during the The Little Big Horn. One Hawk was killed at the Battle of The Rosebud. Spotted Bear is a survivor of the Wounded Knee Massacre and was wounded twice there and ran home to Little Eagle on the Standing Rock reservation the very same day DIGNATORY AT THE UNITED NATION LEVEL UP HOLDING TREATY OF MY LOVED ONE PAST ---I HAVE MOTION TO THE WORLD --THAT IF JOHN YELLOW BIRD STEEL AND U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry CAN NOT OR WILL NOT OBEY TREATYS AND CONSTITUTIONAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN NATIONS.... NOT THE 4 TIME BANKRUPT DE FACTO CORPORATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES OR EVEN TO INVESTIGATE THE HIGH CRIMES ON THE TETUWAN LAKOTA LANDS.. TO THE HELL WITH THEM AND THE WHITE HORSE THEY RODE IN ON..AND THE THE WIT THE KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE U-344 OR N 344 DOCUMENT IS LAND THEFT..BY THE UNITED STATES BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS..JOHN YELLOW BIRD NAME IS ON THE KEYSTONE XL PIPE LINE .RESOLUTIONS 80-4 SAY NO COOPERATION HAVE SAY OVER TREATYS.. If WE--have to pick OUR BATTLE PEOPLE AND STAND UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT -- IT MIGHT AS WELL BE -- we stand up against the KEYSTONE XL PIPE LINE --AND OUR WATER RIGHT - -A NATURAL HUMAN RIGHT TO LIVE..WEATHER ON LAND OR AT THE UNITED NATION LEVEL.. THIS IS WHERE I SAY FUX -- U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry-AND JOHN YELLOW BIRD STEEL..-AND THE KEYSTONE XL PIPE LINE. OTTAWA (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Tuesday during a visit to Canada that he would like to make a decision soon on TransCanada Corps Keystone XL crude oil pipeline--want the Keystone XL pipe line and if John Yellow Bird Steel --GARFIELD STEEL --KEVIN STEEL nepotism like a mutha fucha.. and wanna be gangsters....AND THOSE WHO PLAN JUST DONT GIVE A RAT AZZ WEATHER WE HAVE A FEATURE OR NOT WILL DESTROY OUR LAND when they get in office for the Oglala Sioux tribe of Pine Ridge South Dakota he will help Kerry..This is why the high crimes on the reservation have not been clean up.. one A^^ whole covering up for anthor.. American government needs to be deported for treason and Land theft. but in reality who in the hell is the united states de facto 4 time bankrupt. United states of America government trying to deport when they them self commit high crimes world wide.. learn to tell the truth.. The United States became a Corporation, without Amendment, back in 1779 – TREASON and Fraud by Trickery – and the Congress refuses to produce any Documentation as to exactly who formed this Federal Corporation now known as “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, dba, A 4 TIME BANKRUPT CORPORATION” a fraud scheme their Charter and Bonding necessary for a lawfully established corporation. A RESOLUTION IS NOT A LAW--THEY ARE SUGGEST OF A COPY WRITTEN LAW OF A DE FACTO GOVERNMENT TO OVER THROW TREATYS. AND A COMMON USE OF THE PATRIOT ACT OR ALSO KNOWN AS THE Natizi manifesto and compare it to Patriot act are both of the same..With 2 different name..DOUBLE STANDARDS TO OVER THROW THE GRASSROOTS. United States is NOT a country under this 2 court cases. Caha v. United States and US v Bond you can not contradiction in law or it now becomes Neal and void.. there for a resolution is not a law, but further more..There is no ALLODAIL TITLE TO THE LAND,sign by GOD to show he gave this land to a corporation named America born in 1779 2-The United States of America is bankrupt 4 times as fallows Colonial Wars (1689-1763) BANKRUPT - Lewis & Clark-The Union War: BANKRUPT --THE REVOLUTION WAR -BANKRUPT and 1933 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DE FACTO GOVERNMENT BANKRUPTCY, NO BANKRUPT NATION CAN HOLD SOVEREIGNTY AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS BANKRUPT.. 3-AMERIGO VESPUCCI is who America is named after he died in 1512 do to SYPHILIS 4- SALES OF TREATIES BY LIBRARY OF CONGRESS IN WASHINGTON DC. -28 U.S.C. § 3002 Definitions 15) United States Means: A) A Federal Corporation B) An Agency, Department, Commission, Board, Or C) An Instrumentality of the United States. BLACKS LAW 3rd Edition; IE The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. - 28 U.S.C. @ 3002 Definitions (15) (A) (B) (C); Conflict of Interest.U.S. Constitution - Article 6 CLAUSE 2 states..This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. Legal maximum: no law can create harm BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY Eight Ed. Also, legal maximum “no one can forfeit another persons rights.” and no office out to be injurious to no one As Contrary to the Statement we are aware of Public Law 93-638 Law Enforcement services contract number CTH61T645F8, Given to the Bureau of Indian Affairs. threw the Bureau of Interior dictator, and by the United States of America Government, in contrary with the Treaty Agreements. between Uberrimae Fidei under contract as well as Uberrima Fides ultimate good faith in contract is BREACHED, There will BE NO Eminent domain on LAND GRAB it is a indigenous trust between the Onerous Fiduciary benefactor and Sovereignty Immunity beneficiary,Not the United States Government to overthrow the Powers of Sovereign Nations. news.yahoo/kerry-wants-keystone-pipeline-decision-sooner-rather-later-011348957--finance.html Joann Spotted Bear
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 17:27:16 +0000

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