I JUST SAW THIS COMMENT ON A GIRLS PHOTO. I AM SCREAMING.. BEST CHAT UP LINE EVER I always thought you were beautiful and gorgeous and brave and pretty and polite and perfect and noble and lovely and loyal and kind and magnificent and nice and funny and fabulous and fantastic and friendly and smart and sweet and special and attractive and spectacular and wonderful and amazing and cute and brilliant and excellent and splendid and outstanding and intelligent and incredible and important and impressive and entertaining and natural and cheerful and caring and and stunning and helpful and truthful and talented and adorable and trustworthy and remarkable and respectful and honest and thoughtful and understanding and satisfying and stunning and dependable and reasonable and reliable and cooperative and sociable and mutual and positive and responsible and unique and a great person and a great friend and a winner and a champion and you have a and great at sports and great personality and your my most favorite girl and the best girl and the best looking girl and the best at everything and my best friend forever and ever and the greatest girl and a fun person to talk to and I like you and I miss you and I care about you and your feelings and I trust you and I would always be there for you and I would do anything for you and I would help you with anything and all your problems and I would always be there to cheer you up and I would always be there to stand up to you and I would stick by your side at all times and I would always be beside you and I would always be there for you when you need a message or a back stretch and I would always be there for you whenever you need someone to talk to and when you need me and I would go looking for you whenever your lost and I would give you CPR when you cant breath at all and I would even safe your life when I have to and I would even be your bodyguard and I would even be your hero if I have to and I enjoy talking with you and I like talking with you and I will always be there for you when you need someone to talk to and I always there for you when you need me and I will always be there to help you and I would do anything for you and I wouldnt even tell anybody your secret if you told me any of your secrets, and I would never be rude or mean or bully you and I would never call you names and I would never got mad at you and I would never be sad cause you make me happy and I would never be upset with you and I would never treat you badly and I would never treat you with disrespect and I will always like you and I will never forget you and I enjoy having you around to talk to and I enjoy and I enjoy your company and I enjoy having you around and I feel happy and good about myself when I am talking with you and I would never unfriend you and block you and I would never ignore you and I would feel bad for you if something bad happened to you and I would even protect you or be your protecter and I would always be there to support you and I would always love you
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 21:08:49 +0000

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