I KEEP SAYING IT… I FEAR THE OUTCOME! THERES POTENTIAL FOR A CLASH TOMORROW! IT HAS THE POTENTIAL FOR CIVIL WAR ALL OVER IT! The old Obama Ghetto Politics motto says to Never let a good crisis go to waste, meaning if there is some major catastrophe, politicize the CRAP out of it and use it to your advantage. Thats our favorite Ghetto Superstar for you. In a previous post I did, I voiced my concerns about how something like this could spark a civil war in a matter of seconds. How? Quite simple: First, is it ANY mystery the American people, particularly conservatives, even more particularly gun owners, and even MORE particularly, the gun owners now amassing at the border to STOP Obamas spicket of future Democrat voters are FED UP? You think tempers arent flaring? Clearly, Obama and the Feds plan to do nothing to turn off their future Democrat spicket, so regular citizens are taking matters into their own hands. THAT is what I am afraid of. Its one thing if a border patrol agent is shot, or God forbid is killed in action, however they are PAID and TRAINED to do that line of work. The men and women of the militia who are forming at the boarder NOW are surely assembled more for to protect THEIR OWN families just beyond their position, than for protecting the nation. Just imagine the news if fathers, brothers, grandfathers, ANYONE gets shot or killed while protecting our border because the Ghetto Superstar in the White House wants to play sleazy politics. CAN YOU IMAGINE!? Even the liberal media would not tolerate that. Worse, I dont know who is more likely to engage the militia, cartel members from the other side, or Feds telling them to stand down. Take a look at the LAST TIME FEDS SQUARED OFF WITH MILITIA, and how a TOTALLY DISINTERESTED DIRECTOR stepped up and saved the day before bullets flew. Both he and everyone there had already gotten word the feds were given the green light to SHOOT AMERICANS! READ ON - VERY VERY IMPORTANT!
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 17:05:19 +0000

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