I KNOW THIS IS LONG, BUT ITS WORTH READING IF YOURE CONSIDERING SENDING YOUR CHILD TO FROGGIES CHILD CARE IN BELLE CHASSE, LA. On March 28, 2014 my wife gave the owner of Froggies Child Care, Dana Newsom, half of a $642 deposit. On April 17, she gave Dana the other half. The deposit was to hold a spot for our soon-to-be-born daughter, whos due date is in October. The agreement was verbal and no contracts or policies were signed. Our daughter would have started at Froggies in January 2015. In the meantime, my stepson has been attending Froggies. There have been several cases where his on-campus injuries were never reported, and my wife would have to call the daycare or Dana to specifically ask about bumps and bruises. When Dana or her staff was confronted about such events, they would always get defensive and tell us conflicting stories. On one incident, my wifes son got a bump on his head while playing at his fathers house. He went to Froggies the next day. His morning teacher saw that he had this bump and stated to us that she documented it. However, his afternoon teacher didn’t notice this documentation, so she wrote up a false incident report which said that he hit his head on the playground. My wife contacted the owner to question the incident report since the child’s father had already informed her that he sustained this injury at his house. Dana became defensive and dismissive; stating that the child had not fallen at daycare. She also said that his teacher did not falsify the incident report. These statements are obviously conflicting, because Dana was trying to protect her incompetent employee instead of being honest with my wife, her client. Another incident: One day, my wifes son came home from Froggies with scabies. This kind of thing happens; I understand that. My complaint is how the owner acted when my wife called her with concerned questions. My wife wanted to know how the situation was being contained because scabies is highly contagious. Dana immediately said that no one else had the rash and he must have gotten it from somewhere else. At that point, my wife ended the conversation because she knew that it was impossible to reason with someone like Dana Newsom. My stepson returned to school after his rash was treated and resolved. Yet another incident: Danas own nephew, who was 4 years old at the time, choked and pushed my stepson, who was 2 years old at the time. We had to find out about this occurrence from my cousin, who was employed there when this incident occurred. My wife called Dana when her son started complaining of neck pains. Dana lied saying, ‘Oh yeah, he pushed my nephew and my nephew pushed him back, so I busted his ass.’ None of what Dana said actually happened though. The truth is that she failed to report yet another incident to my wife and she failed to take any type of corrective action what-so-ever. She tried to cover up the situation, protecting her nephew. Even after all of these incidents, we were still considering sending our newborn there. We still felt comfortable with the situation because a family member was employed there. When my wife put down the deposit for our daughter that I mentioned earlier, she asked Dana not to tell anyone about the pregnancy since we werent ready to go public with the news just yet. The very next time that Dana saw my stepson’s father, she told him about the pregnancy. In so doing she obliterated any trust that we still had with her or her business, and she also broke her own confidentiality agreement. There are plenty of other times that Dana has talked to her clients about the personal lives of her other clients and daycare workers, breaking her confidentiality agreement while so doing, all for the sake of gossip. This is the level of professionalism that youll be dealing with if you choose to send your child to Froggies. There are countless other incidents like this. I could go on for awhile. But you get the picture. So, in light of all of our terrible interactions with Froggies, the owner, and the staff, my wife and I decided that it would be impossible to feel comfortable sending our daughter to Froggies. So, we decided that in July, we would go ahead and let Dana know that our baby would not be attending her daycare in January. We wanted to give Mrs. Newsom plenty of time to fill the spot, and we wanted to settle this with no confrontation or hard feelings. However, Dana is a highly confrontational person, so much so that she told my wife upon meeting her, I can be a real b**ch. We figured this situation wasnt going to go well, but I had no idea how far Dana was going to take things. On Wednesday, July 23rd, my wife and I were going to pick up her son from Froggies. When we arrived there, I noticed that the owners car was there. You see, its hard to catch Dana since her presence at her daycare is completely sporadic and random. I went in to the front office to talk to Dana about our decision to not let our daughter attend her daycare and to discuss a refund of the $642 deposit. Instead of accusing her or her daycare of anything, I simply said that our situation at home had changed and that my daughter wouldnt be able to go to her daycare because of our work schedules. She said, Okay. So what do you want from me? I told her that I wanted to discuss the deposit. She immediately got angry, stating that we would never get that deposit back because it was nonrefundable and that has always been her policy. When I asked for proof of this policy she started trying to turn the conversation to my cousin, who was an employee at Froggies at the time. I told her that this had nothing to do with my cousin; but that this situation is between her, my wife and me, and that she (Dana) never told my wife that the deposit was nonrefundable. Dana then started saying, Youre wife is a liar! She is lying to you! Finally, I started questioning Danas business practices, which is when she told me to get out; that she would call the cops if I didnt leave. When I went to pick my stepson up, she kicked him out of the daycare, and he didnt even have anything to do with this situation. But this still wasnt good enough for Dana. After she let my cousin finish working her full day there, she fired her, stating that I had told Dana that my cousin was saying that the daycare was dirty; a complete and utter fabrication. Dana marked on the termination slip that my cousin had violated the confidentiality agreement by talking about the inner workings of the daycare, which is not only false but is something that Dana herself is guilty of on a daily basis. Well, thats it. Consider this a scathing review and a recount of how Froggies Child Care likes to conduct its business. Its also a call to action against Dana Newsom. Local business owners should be held to a certain standard of customer service and satisfaction. They should show appreciation to the community that has kept them in business, instead of resorting to lying and thievery when things dont go their way. I think that Froggies should be boycotted and that Dana shouldnt be allowed to operate her shoddy business in the Belle Chasse community anymore.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 03:55:11 +0000

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