I Know there were a couple people that had asked about - TopicsExpress


I Know there were a couple people that had asked about SCLERODERMA....just saw this testimonial and wanted to share it!! Lisa Forman says - My incredible Plexus Journey with Plexus products. I had been diagnosed with Scleroderma, which is a rare disease that can harden the skin and organs, extremely serious. Over the last 13 years I had been diagnosed with 3 autoimmune diseases: Sjogrens’ Syndrome, Scleroderma with CREST, & Lupus Anticoagulant Disorder. I am a wife and mom of 3 children. At the time of these diagnosis’ my children were all school-age children so that made my life extremely difficult! I had to quit my job of being a Barber to spend the majority of my days in bed. I tried hiding my symptoms. I would attempt to put on a smile and look “normal” even though inside I was very, very sick. I was extremely fatigued, lived in pain every single day. I had digestive issues, thyroid problems, female problems, my body temperature couldn’t adjust from hot to cold. I was plagued with weakness and stiffness to where I couldn’t climb stairs, or anything else that required energy. Even simple things like taking a shower would exhaust me. I couldn’t sleep at night even when taking prescription sleep medicines. I gained a lot of weight during this time. Sadly, my skin was hardening from the Scleroderma. I remember times that the nurse would try to stick a needle in my skin and it would just bounce off because my skin was so hard. One doctor described having Sjogrens’ and Scleroderma as feeling like you have the flu EVERY day. At one point I was on 27 prescription pills a day. The doctors said they could only try to manage my symptoms with the medication. These diseases were incurable. Emotionally, that was very hard to accept. I wanted to fight to raise my children. I couldn’t give up to this diagnosis even though some days were so hard that I felt like giving up. I began researching alternative solutions. I started taking vitamins and herbs which improved some of my symptoms. I was able to get off some prescriptions but still wasn’t well. My pain was still unbearable and I was still tired all the time. Then in 2012, someone told me about the natural pink drink called PlexusSlim that would help me lose weight and should make me feel better. I figured it wouldn’t help my health since I had already tried so many natural products and the doctors said the diseases were “incurable” but I would try anything that might give me my life back. I started my Plexus Journey May 2012. I took PlexusSlim, Accelerator, and Biocleanse. I took these EVERY day and drank lots of water. I quickly began losing weight and feeling better! I go to an internal medicine doctor every three months. When he did my blood work, he asked “What are you doing? Everything has improved!” Every time I would see him I would be better than the time before. In his words, he was “AMAZED!” at my results. All my blood work improved. He said clinically I showed no signs of the diseases. My skin has completely reversed and went back to normal. My autoimmune blood test is only slightly elevated now where as it used to be astronomically high. All other blood work is normal. I’ve been able to get off all prescription medicine but one. All of my pain went away after being on Plexus for 4 months! I sleep well! I have no digestive issues, no female problems, no thyroid problems, no weakness, stiffness, or fatigue. I have plenty of energy and feel great! This has been nothing other than a miracle for me. There’s no doubt God sent Plexus to me. Now, everyone that knows me has seen the miracle I received with Plexus – I’m a product of the product! My husband and I are on a mission to help others that are suffering with illness and pain like I was. It’s such a blessing to see others getting better.. The first time I purchase it I signed up as an ambassador so I could get the products for wholesale. I never dreamed that I could be this healthy ! It feels SO good to have my health back! I feel better than ever, and I truly live life to the fullest! Oh, I almost forgot to mention, I have lost 60 pounds! Lisa Forman Abigail says...I took Plexus Slim daily, 2 BioCleanse in the morning and 2 at night, and the accelerator. I had cut out sugar a few months before starting Plexus so when I did the spit test it was negative for Candida. Thats why I didnt take Probio5. I do take ProBio5 now - 1 or 2 bottles every 4-6 months. I would be glad to answer any questions or talk to anyone. Thanks yall! Here is Lisas testimonial via our weekly call https://youtube/watch?v=e-xLGsCmInU&list=PLG9DZ5gm6fqalHmZM83sGnKznMi8a3ff2&index=39
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 22:46:58 +0000

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