I LOVE CONTROVERSY, SO HERE WE GO. 1st Corinthians chapters 12, - TopicsExpress


I LOVE CONTROVERSY, SO HERE WE GO. 1st Corinthians chapters 12, 13, and 14. Now we should NEVER allow ourselves to get quarrelsome or enter into feelings of strife, thats not the kind of controversy im talking about. but having opposing points of view and having healthy debate over subject matter is always welcome . chapter 12 verse one. the apostle begins by calling to the churches attention, that he does not want them to be unaware, or as the old king james puts it, be ignorant, when it comes to understanding the nine gifts of the Spirit dealt with in these 3 chapters. God hands out 100s of gifts to all people when they are born into the world. to some of us it may be basketball, or other sports talents. others may have a talent for writing. still others can paint a picture onto a piece of canvas , and so on. but these nine gifts spoken of here are for the church, Gods born again believers. I wish to add that this word "GIFTS", used here in these 3 chapters, in its original greek means, "A divine gratuity, i.e. deliverance ( from danger or passion ); especially a spiritual endowment, i.e. subjective religious qualification, or objective miraculous faculty: -(free) gift." WHICH IN PLAIN LANGUAGE MEANS SUPER NATURAL GIFTS. but, for this particular discussion, I would like to call your attention to the various kinds of tongues that are introduced here in these 3 chapters. please read through these chapters . you will notice that it is mentioned that there are many languages in this world. but zero in even closer, notice that there is a tongue, (language), that the church can speak in that the world does not understand, (chapter 14:2). read this verse VERY CAREFULLY ! NOTICE, when a born again child of God speaks in this tongue, (language), they are not speaking to men, but to God. NOTICE ALSO, no one, not even one person here on earth, understands what is being said by this person. only the person speaking knows what is being said, and God, thats it, for, "...in his spirit he speaks mysteries". so now I wish to call your attention to the word "spirit" here in verse 2. notice that the "s" in this word is not capitalized. this is because it is the spirit of the man. when scripture talks about Gods Spirit the "S" is capitalized. so the person is supernaturally speaking in a heavenly language. Gods Spirit supernaturally infuses the mans spirit to talk in a heavenly tongue, (language). COOL!? yes, it is cool, and fun too! now lets carry this thing called tongues one more step forward. if you read all 3 of these chapters you no doubt noticed that there is another gift called the "interpretation of tongues", chapter 12:10. you probably dont need any help understanding this but in case you do here is, in my opinion, what is going on here. God can also supernaturally cause some individual to understand this heavenly language, so that they can play the role of interpreter, and tell everybody that is present and witnesses this gift of tongues manifesting His self what has been said. this also is very cool ! in closing, please turn your bibles to the book of acts chapter 2:4. you will still need to pay close attention to how things are being said here. notice that the "S" in Spirit is capitalized. so this is the Holy Spirit, the 3rd member of the Godhead, which is doing the anointing and filling of the seekers. and He also is the One Who is doing the speaking. the person being filled IS NOT doing the speaking ! this is a very important detail to notice here. many people think that they are doing this, and must some how speak these words themselves by faith, but in fact, if they are doing it, it is not Gods gift of tongues but their own. and that makes it a fake. so, be sure you learn how to let Gods Spirit use you and let Him do the speaking ! well much more could be said to further clarify this subject. but I must cut it short. please also read St. Luke chapter 24:49, Acts chapters 1 and 2, St. John 7:37-39.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 07:29:18 +0000

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