✞ I LOVE JESUS CHRIST ✞ And HE loves ISRAEL, and - TopicsExpress


✞ I LOVE JESUS CHRIST ✞ And HE loves ISRAEL, and returns to earth someday soon to SAVE THEM from their many enemies bent on the destruction of the age-old Jewish State. The Holy Bible prophesies that in the Season of Lord Jesus’ Return to earth, MANY powerful Nations will come AGAINST The LORD’S Chosen Nation in the Gog-Magog War which becomes the Battle of ARMAGEDDON. God actually MENTIONS the EXACT Nations who will attack Israel, and they are IRAN, RUSSIA, LEBANON, TURKEY, CHINA, PALESTINE, JORDAN, LIBYA, EGYPT, SUDAN & AFRICAN NATIONS, ETHIOPIA, so basically the ENTIRE Middle East and Africa, and eventually ALL Nations will come against Jerusalem and Israel. For years, I’ve been posting the Global News Headlines that show ALL the Nations above ALLYING together for a common CAUSE: to DIVIDE the Holy Land of Israel by giving HALF of Israel’s God-given Land to their ENEMIES {neighboring Muslims}, and to eventually “Eliminate Israel”. Thank God that the elimination plan will NOT succeed, but the DIVISION plan will, and that is what unleashes God’s WRATH upon planet earth. Biblical Prophecy has been unfolding before our eyes for years, especially as we speak, and in the past 7 years we have witnessed the Nations such as Palestine, Iran, Syria, Russia, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey ALL fulfilling their Last Days roles as ENEMIES of God’s people ISRAEL. I have proven again and again how ACCURATE and unerring God’s nearly 3,000 year-old Prophecies are, as not only is Syria becoming FULFILLED Biblical Prophecy, but War has been brewing between Israel and IRAN, and RUSSIA has threatened to get INVOLVED. And given Vladimir Putin’s bold, unaccountable invasion of Ukraine last year, it’s very easy to see how he will just as quickly invade ISRAEL, should the Jewish State take pre-emptive action against Iran or Syria; And just last Summer, EGYPT, after years of internal instability, elected yet ANOTHER anti-Israel President and was holding joint military drills with, you guessed it, RUSSIA! TURKEY has also continuously made disgusting threatening remarks about Israel for the past few years, and would no doubt quickly jump on board with Russia as prophesied. LEBANON is home to the terror group, Hezbollah, who has vowed like the Hamas terrorists in PALESTINE to destroy all the Jews in Israel. And in the past year, JORDAN has been threatening to TEAR UP their decades-old Peace Treaty with Israel! They are ALL lining up against the Jewish State, just as God prophesied they would in the LAST DAYS. But RUSSIA, the main player in the invasion of Israel, has been making the most prophetical headlines as of late. And the headlines seem to have come straight out of the pages of the Holy Bible, as Russia is PLOTTING WAR AGAINST ISRAEL as a response to Western sanctions damaging Russias economy, and is also BACKING a plan at the United Nations by Palestine’s anti-semitic leadership that would FORCE Israel to WITHDRAW from their God-give Land which Palestine desires for THEIR Islamic State. This Land includes Israel’s most Holiest Cities and Biblical Homeland, such as their Eternal Capital JERUSALEM as well as JUDAEA and Samaria. And even the United Nations secretary general Ban Ki Moon voiced HIS support for the anti-Israel plan. So basically, as the Holy Bible prophesies, the Nations will join together to FORCEFULLY DIVIDE the Holy Land of God. This will be one of Satan’s greatest feats in all of history, and God will not stomach it! Russia is prophesied to LEAD the invasion of Israel in the days before Christ’s Second Coming, and this recent news shows how very close we are. A few years ago, Russia made a veiled THREAT against Israel that should be paid attention to, as they stated that An Attack on Tehran {IRAN} would be an Attack on Moscow {RUSSIA}! Meaning, if Israel or America hits Iran, that Russia will hit Israel or America. WOW. And in the past 5 years, Russia & China have held many joint military exercises, vowing that they will fight their Wars SIDE BY SIDE; China is prophesied to ally with Russia against ISRAEL in the Book of Revelation. Their Alliance is one of the strongest in the world, as they have stood together many times at the United Nations, as the only 2 Nations to veto U.N. resolutions against SYRIA and IRAN. Not to mention, Putin {Russia’s leader} seeks to establish a Eurasian Union with THE SAME Nations mentioned in the Book of Ezekiel, including CHINA, TURKEY and SYRIA especially; But SYRIA doesn’t make the Final Battle, because they are DESTROYED before the War officially begins, as the Book of Isaiah prophesies; Don’t believe God’s Prophecies in the Holy Bible? When you see this War come to pass, you WILL! Cause it could begin ANY DAY NOW; By the way, GOD also prophesies.. ISRAEL WINS! But sadly, before Israel wins, their Land will be divided. The DIVISION OF JERUSALEM, Israel’s Eternal God-given Capital, is prophesied to be brought about by the ANTICHRIST through a 7 Year Peace Treaty, which imminently leads to The LORDS Judgments and Wrath coming upon ALL Nations that take His Holy City Jerusalem away from His people Israel. And just in 2013, it was revealed that one of Barack Hussein Obama’s TOP goals of his 2nd Term was to DIVIDE JERUSALEM to give HALF of the Holy City to the MUSLIMS in Palestine, not to mention the Biblical Homeland, Judaea & Samaria {which are referred to as the WEST BANK by the Mainstream Media to take away Israel’s BIBLICAL Claims to the Land}. Obama’s S.O.S. John Kerry forced Israel back into Peace Talks in 2013, as Obama promised to do, and wanted the so-called Peace Contract in effect {by FORCE if necessary} by last year. But due to Palestine BREACHING the agreements of negotiations with Israel by Abbas’ government forging a Unity Government with the Islamic TERRORIST Group HAMAS, the talks for the time being appear to be DEAD. And thank God for that! But meanwhile, Obama and Kerry are not criticizing Palestine’s many provocative actions, but have instead verbally attacked and threatened ISRAEL to get back to the negotiating table, JOINING RUSSIA and the U.N. in calling Israel an OCCUPIER of the Land that Palestine desires as it’s own. And this support of Palestine and betrayal of Israel by Obama comes even AFTER the new Hamas Unity Government fired the nearly 5,000 rockets on 80% of the civilian population in Israel last Summer; All of this will NOT sit well with The LORD, The God OF Israel. In 2015, the STAGE IS SET for Latter Day Biblical Prophecy to continue to be FULFILLED before our very eyes. JESUS IS COMING! And if you are a Christian or Israeli, DO NOT FEAR the coming War. For Bible-believing, God-fearing Christians will be RAPTURED before ALL HELL breaks loose {and it will} and Israel will be PROTECTED and DEFENDED by The Lord GOD HIMSELF. All of the Nations who come against Israel will be DESTROYED by The LORD. And all of the Nations I mentioned today are FULFILLING Bible Prophecy TO A TEE, and are setting THEMSELVES {not Israel} up for DESTRUCTION. Because the MAIN REASON Jesus comes BACK is to SAVE ISRAEL from their many enemies. And in case you don’t know your Holy Bible, JESUS CHRIST is God in the Flesh, so He NEVER LOSES. Jesus WINS.. God WINS.. and thus, ISRAEL WINS. Hallelu-Yah! “Thus saith The LORD God, I will gather ALL NATIONS, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will JUDGE THEM THERE on behalf of MY people and for MY Heritage ISRAEL.. because they {above mentioned nations} have DIVIDED MY LAND {Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria}.” ~ Joel 3:2 “Persia {IRAN}, Ethiopia, and Libya with Gog {RUSSIA}, all of THEM with shield and helmet: Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah {TURKEY} of the north quarters, and all his bands: and MANY people with them {ISLAMIC Confederacy-Psalm 83}.. You shall FALL upon the mountains of ISRAEL, you {Russia}, and ALL your bands, AND the people that is WITH you: I will give you unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field to be DEVOURED. You shall FALL upon the open field: for I have spoken it, saith The Lord GOD.” ~ Ezekiel 38:4-5 & 39:5-6
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 19:28:58 +0000

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