✞ I LOVE JESUS CHRIST ✞ Who gave us all the Prophetical - TopicsExpress


✞ I LOVE JESUS CHRIST ✞ Who gave us all the Prophetical SIGNS to look for that would signal His coming to RAPTURE believers. And one of the BIGGEST SIGNS is the formation of a Global WORLD ORDER and a One World Currency. Are we near to such an Event? NEARER than anyone thinks! The New World Order is nothing new. For centuries, EVIL, greedy, power hungry men and groups with AntiChrist agendas have been PUSHING to make this world-changing event a REALITY. Groups like the Illuminati, the Bilderbergs, the United Nations, the Trilateral Commission, New Age Movement, Club of Rome, Islamists and others. The Illuminati actually put THEIR Godless symbol calling for a New World Order on the back of something we all touch DAILY! The ONE DOLLAR bill. On the back there is a Pyramid {explained in detail in this video} which has an inscription Novus Ordo Seclorum, which is Latin for New Age Order or better known as NEW WORLD ORDER. These groups have so many devious plans as The Lord told us this Final World Government would, including the Bilderbergs planning on MICROCHIPPING every human being on earth by 2017. And guess who attended that secretive Bilderberg meeting.. BARACK OBAMA and HILLARY CLINTON! I believe that microchip could very well be the MARK of the BEAST described in the Book of Revelation. So, with America, Europe and the rest of the World in consistent financial turmoil, itll take just ONE MORE Economic Collapse for this World Order to form and come into existence, and the LEADER of that New World Order by the way is prophesied to be the ANTICHRIST. Could it be Americas President Obama??? WATCH THIS...
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 21:22:05 +0000

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