✞ I LOVE Lord JESUS ✞ HE IS The Son of God SENT by GOD - TopicsExpress


✞ I LOVE Lord JESUS ✞ HE IS The Son of God SENT by GOD The Eternal Father of Heaven and earth, YaHWeH, to die for OUR sins and RECONCILE us to The Father. JESUS is GOD in the Flesh, ONE with The Father & The Holy Spirit as the TRUE GOD forever and ever. He ALONE rose from the dead, while Mohammed of Islams body is still sleeping with worms in his grave, while his soul is in HELL. It is my job as a servant of the ONE and ONLY True GOD and Lord of Heaven and earth to shout from the rooftops that Allah is NOT God! Allah is NOT God! Allah is NOT God!!! And history tells us Mohammed who started Islam and penned the demonic anti-Biblical teachings of the Koran, was an illiterate, demon possessed, pedophile, anti-Semite, antiChrist, whom JESUS our Lord called DECEIVER, FALSE prophet, ANTICHRIST, THIEF, ROBBER, MURDERER, and LOST child of the DEVIL. Many of you can follow Islam and allah to your hearts desire to try to reach world peace and all that coexist NONSENSE. But God said and our Lord Jesus said, there will NEVER BE PEACE on earth until the PRINCE OF PEACE, my Jesus, RETURNS. So I believe God and wont support or stand with other so-called Christians who COMPROMISE and DENY the Holy Bible (Gods WORD) in order to APPEASE Muslims. What they say about my Jesus, OUR Jesus, in their koran is beyond BLASPHEMY at the highest level! And I dont hate muslims or anyone. Those who know me KNOW this to be true. I have Muslim friends, BUT when it comes time to talk about GOD.. we couldnt DISAGREE MORE! I must ALWAYS choose my Gods approval over approval of people so once again today, I say WHO cares about Allah?! Satan does. But, I, as a Christian Bible believer, DONT. Neither does JESUS and NEITHER does The LORD God Almighty. Ive told you all numerous times what the Koran says about my Jesus, and how the things THEIR god says is good, MY God says is EVIL, and vice versa. That Allah says he had NO SON, while OUR God and Father, YaHWeH of the Holy Bible, not only had A Son, but His Son is our Only Way to be forgiven our sins, to be reconciled to The Holy God of Heaven and earth, and to be SAVED and thus get to Heaven; While Allah of the Koran says if you believe he had a Son, you will burn in Hell; Allah preaches salvation by means of martyrdom, by killing infidels {Jews & Christians}; OUR GOD says that the AntiChrist will divide the Land of Israel, reign for 7 years, persecute, kill and behead Christians and Jews, and will give a MARK {666} in the right hand or forehead, which if we receive, we will burn in Hell WITH the AntiChrist for eternity; ISLAMS GOD says that the MESSIAH of Islam will divide the Land of Israel, reign for 7 years, persecute, kill and behead Christians and Jews, and will give a MARK {666} in the right hand or forehead, which if we receive, we will go to his heaven for eternity; Polar OPPOSITES. Any logical person would come to the conclusion that these Gods CANNOT be the same! And anyone who disagrees is ignorant and not accepting the FACTS; So, I may not ever be politically correct but as long as I have breath, I will forever be BIBLICALLY DIRECT: BEWARE the devils book, which IS the Koran (Quran) and the BLASPHEMOUS Movement known as Chrislam!!!
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 14:55:55 +0000

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