✞ I LOVE Lord JESUS ✞ In a world FULL OF religions and - TopicsExpress


✞ I LOVE Lord JESUS ✞ In a world FULL OF religions and HUNDREDS of different denominations {even some CULTS} calling themselves christians, how do YOU KNOW if youre TRULY a Christian? Jesus said that there would be MANY who CLAIM to be Christian, but that only FEW would walk THE WALK and truly KNOW Him. I guarantee, if youve been turned off by Christianity, it is NOT because of Christ or TRUE Christianity, but because of christians. Nearly 60% of the so-called cream of the crop Christians DONT BELIEVE that Jesus is the ONLY WAY to Heaven any more, though our Holy Book which they SAY they believe states emphatically that HE IS 1,100 times! More than HALF of todays Christians DONT believe Gods Word concerning Creation, our Lords Resurrection, the Virgin Birth NOR Last Days Prophecy. If you DONT believe these Biblical Truths, than you are NOT a Christian. JESUS Christ is THE TRUTH. The Holy Bible is THE Word of GOD. If you truly want to understand Christianity, or be a Christian and be SAVED, then there is only ONE WAY.. Read the HOLY BIBLE, believe IT over ALL men or opposing ideaologies, and LIVE by IT. For a Last Days SIGN of Christs return is FALSE religions and FALSE Christian teachings and a massive FALLING AWAY from the Christian Faith. We are WITNESSING this Sign being fulfilled TO A TEE before our eyes. DONT be on the WRONG side of human history, get RIGHT with God through our Lord Jesus and get IN the Holy Bible, otherwise follow the MASSES into the devils hand and eventually HELL. Its time for TRUE Christians to RECLAIM & RESTORE Biblical Christianity!!! PREACH the Word; be instant IN season, OUT OF season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with ALL longsuffering and DOCTRINE. For the time will COME when THEY will NOT ENDURE sound Doctrine; but after their OWN lusts shall they HEAP to themselves TEACHERS, (to tickle) their itching ears; And they shall TURN AWAY their ears from THE TRUTH, and shall be turned unto FABLES. But YOU watch in ALL things, ENDURE afflictions, DO the work of an EVANGELIST, make full PROOF of your ministry.. For I have fought a GOOD FIGHT, I have FINISHED my course, I have KEPT THE FAITH. ~ 2 Timothy 4:2-5,7
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 16:37:45 +0000

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