I LOVE YOUThis eight letter word has been abused in our - TopicsExpress


I LOVE YOUThis eight letter word has been abused in our generation. Now I want to ask you; what do you meanwhen you utter this word to your partner? Are you truly in love with her/him or you are just flowing with the style of the world?What exactly are you in love with? Are you in love with his expensive lifestyle? Are you in love with the money he showers on you? Are you in love with her bank account? Are you in love with her position atwork? Are you in love with her figure, lips, and eyes? Are you in love with her womb?Before you go into any marriage, please ask and find answers to these questions. When I say find answers, I am not talking about you asking him or her to clarify things for you. I am talking about you washing your eyes with clear water and watching as events gradually unfold. We often get carried away with all these I love you baby stuff that we neglect the most important things. If tomorrow your ovaries get cut off due to cancer, fibroid, or cyst, will that man still be with you? Will he still love you and stand with you if you are unable to give him a child tomorrow? I am not talking about those who pretend to be standing with you while making babies outside without your knowledge. If tomorrow I lose my job, will this very lady stand with me?There are gigolos everywhere now and ladies, please shine your eyes. They are no longer going for a woman they can help build up; they want those they can share bills with (no real man gets married to a woman with the mindset of sharing bills with her) or better still, a woman who will buy him the latest Range Rover with some lovely wears for him to paint the town red with his girls while she is at work. The gigolo youmarried will take a walk the very minute your job is gone. A lady I know has been deceived in the name of love. Even before the crook got married to her, he went behind to check out her worth and she is still living in ignorance.God used me to deliver a lady recently. She was being deceived by one gigolo who was even the one putting pressure on her for marriage. My friend talked about him with so much fondness until the very day I met the guy. I had to speak some sense into my friends head. I told her how foolish she had been. Later she did what I asked her to do only for her to call me to say thank you. The smart fool was busy using her money for a younger girl and even telling the girl not to worry as all he wanted was use her and then come back toher. Ladies, guys now play the game better.Many believe they know the man or woman they are married to while it is obvious to outsiders thatshe/he doesnt even know the mates hometown. Hear this; there are now families for lease. The person you call in-law may not have any blood relation with your spouse. The man you are married to may have his wife and children somewhere else. Get to his/her village and be sure that is the real village. We can go on deceiving ourselves all in the name of civilization but we cannot change the fact that we are still Africans.The funniest thing is that these players are the ones who use the eight letter word better and more often. They will so blind your eyes that you become a complete fool even when you think you are wise. My mother will always call them,ndi oso chi egbu. They can turn your head upside down with their sweet words and yet they are out to kill and destroy you. I always sit up and become more careful whenever I see folks with very sweet tongue. They will always sweep you off your feet and then strike.For you to enjoy your marriage, there must be some kind of balance and harmony in values, spiritual principles, intellectual capacity, and psychology. You can go ahead telling yourself that love is blind; I agree, love is blind but marriage will open your eyes. A lot of games going on now; be wise.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 07:07:38 +0000

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