I LOVE my dogs...I will do what is right for them and some of you - TopicsExpress


I LOVE my dogs...I will do what is right for them and some of you may not agree...I AM NOT PERFECT, never said I was and never will be... and hell will freeze over before I ask to be forgiven for shaving Bond TWICE...yes twice. Excuse me for being honest and you know what? Why cant things be said with KINDNESS instead of blasting me? SHEESH. I am one of the rare people who is honest about my mistakes with my dogs, and I would do anything for them...including risking my life to get my dog to the VET so his life could be saved. I did not fail my dog, OMG, do you think I just said OK shave the shit and who cares? NO, I checked with VETS and GROOMERS PLURAL. Work where I do and you will see cruelty and what bad people do to their dogs. Yes, I am in tears. I cant believe how the golden community can be so loving and caring, and giving and then suddenly blast me for MY CHOICE. Bond is miserable with a long coat, not a shadow of his former self- he is like a happy puppy, for some reason he was cursed with a coat so thick my groomer has never seen anything like it...he is 10 times happier with the fur off, NO ONE IS HERE with me, if you dont like it that is fine, no worries.... and you can say so, but to be so cruel, not necessary....I never realized that by being honest and true ( unlike many pages on FB) I would lose friends and think people cared about me, and then suddenly they blast me cruelly rather than messaging me privately or simply saying it without being so mean. You dont have to agree with what I do, and you can hate me if you want. Who said I was god when it came to whether or not to shave a dog? LIVE AND LET LIVE, I am beyond hurt....what do you think private messages are for, or KIND words of dissention? I would NEVER blast someone for what they do with their dogs, like shaving or whatever....OMG. And believe me many have messaged me and said how they have been bullied over it when they do it for whatever reasons. I just cant win, it makes me want to just cut off this page and be done with it because I am so tired of explaining myself over and over again....BOND IS HAPPIER THIS WAY, the fur will grow back...none of you LIVE here with us. None of you were here when I went thru MONTHS and months of taking care of TAZ thru 2 surgeries and the time it took him to get thru it and get well so excuse me for focusing more on HIM....and yes, I did not have much energy for much else during all those months of taking care of a sick dog and then when the same dog almost died. I just cant believe this.....Right now I feel like getting off FB and being done with it....one thing I never do is bully someone....I dont expect everyone to agree with what I do...I tend to cause some controversy, so excuse me if I dont have perfectly groomed picture perfect goldens at all times....mine are allowed to be DOGS first and foremost and I know, most people prefer the perfect golden pages with every piece of fur in place, perfect goldens...So be it...
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 02:24:44 +0000

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