I LOVE reading these statuses ....I got a whole bunch more - TopicsExpress


I LOVE reading these statuses ....I got a whole bunch more numbers....but here are 10 very in depth things about me....and im done!....Everybodys number is 8 if you wanna play! 1. I have never smoked anything of any sort in my life....and I have a really hard time breathing around it. Like...dramatic things happen like couging, eyes watering, tight chest...the whole nine yards...I try not to be sissy but it really bothers me. 2. I miss my biggest brother Seth Looney every single day...If he were closer I know we would see each other all the time..... 3. I love having my middle brother Cody Looney come over at least once a week(he actually comes to hangout with mom and dad to watch the walking dead)...Im so proud of him for being such a strong man with a huge heart....Its pretty funny to discover how much more alike we are than we thought.. 4. I never had a sister growing up....When I met Jeremiah...he had a little sister Tiffany Gugle....and I made it my sole purpose to be a good example for her...to be there for her....I had two brothers...she had 4...I just knew she needed me... 5. Im very emotional. Everyone sees me as a very outgoing, happy go lucky person....truth is...I fight a lot of personal battles...mostly self conscious ones. 6. I have an extreme fear of drowning. I have had many dreams of saving my children from drowning...which end in me drowning and them living....weird thing is... l love to be around water...just not deep water and if any kids are around...Im freaking out on the inside. 7. God gave me the BEST husband in Jeremiah that man stands up for me, he defends me when Im hurt, and He can see right through me. 8. I cant stand public displays of affection....its a huge bother to me to be around ppl who cannot keep their hands off of each other...it embarrasses me. 9. Most ppl dont know that many many years ago my dad had a son who passed away as a baby. His name was Christopher....and I have dreamed about him saving me in nightmares:)....I didnt know this about my dad until my 20s....I had the dreams when I was a child....I still consider him a brother...even though I never met him....in person. 10. At the age of 15 I almost killed myself....I felt a presence and arms wrap around me....in my mind the words said...>Do not do this....You can make it....I went to my room....did a channel scan on my radio...it landed on 105.3....the song lyrics I heard playing were....I am a flower quickly fading, here today and gone tomorrow, a wave tossed in the ocean, a vapor in the wind, still you hear me when Im calling, Lord you catch me when Im falling, and you told me who I am, I am yours.....from that day forth...Tahnee Green took me to church with her every chance she could....and the worst night of my life...turned into the biggest testament and reason for serving an amazing God.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 03:17:18 +0000

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