I, Lieutenant-General ...................., Chief of Army Staff, - TopicsExpress


I, Lieutenant-General ...................., Chief of Army Staff, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, have found it necessary to address you once again in the course of our nation’s history. In view of the unfortunate, development early this morning, I’m in touch with the CGS, Service Chiefs, GOCs, FOCs, AOCs, of the armed forces and they have all pledged their unflinching support and loyalty to the federal military government of General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida who is perfectly safe and with whom I am in contact. “Early this morning there was sporadic firing by a few disloyal and misguided soldiers in some isolated parts of Lagos, followed by an embarrassing radio broadcast. “Fellow Nigerians, you will all agree with me that the reasons given for this grave misconduct are significantly motivated by greed and self- interest. The soldiers involved decided to constitute themselves into national security nuisance for no other cause than base avarice.’ ‘Most of these disloyal elements have been arrested and are already undergoing interrogation. The remaining dissidents are advised in their own interest to report to the nearest military location and hand over the arms and ammunition in their possession. All formation and unit commanders are hereby directed to exercise effective command and control. “At this stage, let me reiterate our commitment to pursue vigorously the transition programme. No amount of threat or blackmail will detract the federal military government’s attention in this regard. We are set to hand over power to a democratically elected government in 1992. I wish to assure all law-abiding citizens that the situation is now under control and people should go about pursuing their lawful interest. “Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria. “Thank you.” April 22, 1990, there was coup led by Major Gideon Orkar to oust the Babangida regime. The insurrection was quickly quelled in the afternoon of the same day with an announcement by Lt. Gen. Sani Abacha:
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 20:03:28 +0000

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