I Loved It All When Angelo Merendino met Jennifer, he - TopicsExpress


I Loved It All When Angelo Merendino met Jennifer, he immediately knew she was the one. After a short romance, he proposed during a romantic dinner and the couple was married in a beautiful ceremony in New York City’s Central Park. Life was perfect. But only five months later, Jennifer was diagnosed with breast cancer. On his blog, he wrote “I’ll never forget how we looked into each other’s eyes and held each other’s hands. ‘We are together, we’ll be ok.’” Angelo, a photographer, naturally took to his camera and decided to document Jennifer’s battle with the disease. Angelo posted a series of pictures documenting Jennifers last days. The pictures were very moving, and I recommend that you look them up under Angelo Merendinos name . They were a beautiful tribute to Jennifers fight, her last days, and Angelos deep seeded love for his wife. Jennifer passed away only 16 days after her 40th birthday. Angelo wrote in his blog: “Before going to sleep Jen and I used to ask each other what the best and worst part of the day was. Usually the best part was something like, When you walked by me and ran your fingers through my hair, or, When we were at the hospital and you held my hand. The day after we found out Jen’s liver was failing we came home with Hospice Care and spent the evening with family and friends. That night, as we lay next to each other for possibly the last time, I asked Jen what she loved the most about that day. Jen thought for a minute then turned and, looking deeper into my eyes than ever before, Jen said, ‘I Loved it all.’” --------------------------------- Sadly it often takes a tragic event for us to recognize the many blessings we have in our lives. Our vision is clouded by all of lifes distractions.....work, money issues, family problems, general hatred in the world, etc. Very seldom do we have a day where we do not experience some type of strife that consumes our thoughts. If we take the time to stop and focus on the numerous blessings in our lives, I truly believe more of us could say, I Loved It All. God promises us that as we focus on the blessings He has given us, we will start to recognize that even our trials are blessings. Dont save that moment for your your last day.....recognize it now. My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1:2-4
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 13:35:11 +0000

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