I!M asking for your prayers my daughter Jeannie having surgery - TopicsExpress


I!M asking for your prayers my daughter Jeannie having surgery Monday on her knee she has been on crutches for 8 weeks allready, she tore all the acl whatever that is she done a number on it when she fell I!m praying for a speedy recovery they say it can take up to a year for this to heal and be right she is such a special Daughter and wonderful mother and wife words i can never say it enough how proud i am ! she been going to work everyday with the crutches this time when the surgery done she cant get out of bed for a week no driving for 6 weeks and knowing her she will try to do it all. i get to go and spend what I!M thinking special time with her and my other grandkids . prayers for her healing and not get to board . to me its gona remine me of a time when her and sister was in a wreck , the screams i heard where she crush her nose in the wreck, but down deep in my heart i know the Lord was with them. I feel bless that i can be with her and grandkids. so please pray for all of us their alot of sickness in the family right now so i!m trying to do the best i can with all, Marus my stepson is battling cancer all over his body in the 4 stage ! were trying to take thing one day at a time. i need some strenght Mitchell not doin as good health as he needs so pray for all please. my other daughter having back problem hopfully they wont have to do surgrey on her she been through alot too.!!!!!thank you all so much for bein my prayer line. God knows all and he said pray for one another. God Bless you all.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 02:18:32 +0000

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