I Mark this Man! (Alexander Michael!) It written: [Rom 16:17 - TopicsExpress


I Mark this Man! (Alexander Michael!) It written: [Rom 16:17 KJV] 17 Now I beseech you, brethren, Mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. I commented on a post He made. Our dialogue can be read below! Alexander Michael We change our minds often, about many things in our lives; would you be called a fundamentalist or an Extremist if you never did? So why (when it comes to some people who do not change their minds about some things in their lives) do folks call them names? To my mind its Childish, and provocative,and causes mistrust,hatred, and a host of other nasty ills. Tony Austin Dont call anyone a name they havent earned. Recently I called a man a liar, because he was lying, but usually I try to avoid name calling, we have to understand that we are all growing in truth. The key is that when we encounter truth that opposes our theological understanding, how will we react? How much do we love the truth? Or is it the illusion of truth that we love? Many times when it comes to interpretation of scripture there are passages that appear to contradict, but all of scripture is true, being established by the mouth of two to three witnesses. Scripture never contradicts scripture! What most people do, those unlearned, is pit scripture against scripture to support a belief or doctrine they believe in, but this shows immaturity and lack of understanding, all of scripture harmonizes when properly understood. There are no contradictions. There are no problem verses! There are no mysterious doctrines! All mysteries are revealed through that which in written in Torah! Remember this, through the mouth of two to three witnesses every word is established, HARMONIZING ALL THAT IS WRITTEN. The individual that can support any premise or prove what is acceptable doctrine can do so by citing two to three scriptures concerning any doctrine and harmonize those two to three scriptures with all others written in the entire bible or Torah! If you are quoting scriptures citing two to three witnesses, but encounter scriptures that appear to contradict the ones you are citing, this apparent contradiction does not mean that the scriptures you are using are correct and the others wrong, or vice vera. All scripture is true! What the APPARENT contradiction signals to the student of Torah is the reality that there is a deeper understanding that connects and harmonizes the two verses that appear to contradict. When you can find the scriptural harmony that exists through supporting scriptures resolving ALL APPARENT CONTRIDICTIONS, then you have Truth! One Faith! One who is THE MESSIAH, AND ONE FATHER, YAH! Alexander Michael I agree in part what you are saying Tony but there are flaws in your assumption that scripture has to be established by two or three witnesses if not understood by someone, thats not a Biblical Doctrine at all, all Scripture is already to be understood by the Godly, and there is no need for anyone else to try and come to understand scripture, God has given us his Holy Spirit,and He gives us understanding what the meaning of scripture is, not man, nor is any scripture confined to the Torah, if its the Law your looking to, your a damned soul, we, that is Christians are under grace, not the Law, which is in the Torah,you never mention JESUS CHRIST, MISS HIM OUT,AND YOU CAN NEVER GET TO THE FATHER,THE TORAH WILL CONDEMN YOU TO HELL,Just as the Jews who try and live by it, but fail,everyday, we as Christians do abide by Gods Law, but not live by the commands of them ie. the Ten commandments, no one can keep them,nor does the teachings of the gospels, or epistles teach that, looking into the Law of liberty, is grace, without which we are all going to Hell. Tony Austin Alexander Michael, Alexander Michael, you have all that zeal, but not according to the knowledge. Is Christ not the living Torah? Certainly He is! So when I mentioned Torah, I mentioned Christ, if you can PERCEIVE IT! Did not I say ONE FAITH, ONE MESSIAH, and ONE FATHER! So when I mentioned Messiah, I mentioned Christ. Is not Yahshua, whom you call Jesus the Messiah? Did not He say that the Torah or Law as you call it bears witness of Him? Therefore, when I mention Torah, am I not bearing witness of Him? So what are you talking about? This is how you established truth, Alexander Michael, not with your fairy tale revelation from what you call the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirits speaks the will of Father found in the Teachings of Scripture, the word Torah means teaching or instruction, all of scripture is good for Teaching, instruction and profitable for doctrine. Why don’t you understand what I have written? Why don’t you understand this simple precept? Is it the truth you love or an illusion of truth? Let Father Judge between you and me! It is written: [Jhn 5:46 KJV] 46 For had ye believed Moses (Torah), ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me. [Jhn 5:39 KJV] 39 Search the scriptures (Torah); for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. You say, “I agree in part what you are saying Tony but there are flaws in your ASSUMPTION that scripture has to be established by two or three witnesses if not understood by someone, thats not a Biblical Doctrine at all, What ASSUMPTION, Alexander Michael? It is written: [2Co 13:1 KJV] 1 This [is] the third [time] I am coming to you. In the Mouth of TWO or THREE WITNESSES shall Every WORD be established. [Mat 18:16 KJV] 16 But if he will not hear [thee, then] take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses EVERY WORD may be ESTABLISHED. [Deu 19:15 KJV] 15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the MOUTH of TWO witnesses, or at the MOUTH of THREE WITNESSES, shall the matter be ESTABLISHED. What are you talking about it is not biblical doctrine to establish the word through two or three scripturally based witnesses? Biblical doctrine is established by the mouth of two or three witnesses as it written above. Christ Himself displayed this SIMPLE TRUTH, that you do not understand. Every time He encountered the Pharisees and said, “It is written,” Christ was proving what He said was true by quoting the witnesses of the Moses and the prophets! We are to follow the same example by quoting the Torah (teaching) of Moses, Torah (teachings) of the Prophets, the Torah (teaching) of Christ, and the Torah (teaching) of the Apostles! Are you so wise in your own eyes that you can’t see the Apostle Paul, Matthew, and Moses bear witness against you, yes, and even Holy Spirit you speak of, bears witness against you, because you speak outside of what written, and the Holy Spirit speaks in harmony, unity with all that is written! You are not in the Book! You are deceived! Have not you read? [1Jo 4:1 KJV] 1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. [Jhn 16:13 KJV] 13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall NOT SPEAK OF HIMSELF; BUT WHATSOEVER HE SHALL HEAR, [THAT]SHALL HE SPEAK: and he will shew you things to come. According to John 16:13 the Holy Spirit does not speak of Himself, but He speaks what He hears from the Christ, the living Word or living Torah! Who told you that Torah was limited only to the writings of Moses, all that is written is Torah when one understands from the perspective of the Father what Torah is. The word Torah simply means teaching and instruction. You have the teaching and instruction of Moses, that bears witness of Christ, and you have the teaching and instruction of Yahshua, whom you call Jesus. The teaches of Christ are recorded by the disciples, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John; We call those the Gospels, because they testified of the “Good News” that salvation has come, nevertheless, all is teaching, all is Torah, because Torah is teaching! The Torah of Moses is simply that which Moses taught! I could point to the gospels and say the Torah of Christ and would not be found in error by the Father, because I speak well and with understanding, not by the traditional doctrinal interpretations of men, but I speak being confirmed through all that is written, and justified by the blood of Messiah, and the Spirit of Truth, bearing witness, that I speak the truth, being established by the mouth of two to three witnesses! It is written: [2Ti 3:16 KJV] 16 All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: It is written: [Isa 28:10, 13 KJV] 10 For precept [must be] upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, [and] there a little: ... 13 But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, [and] there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken. With that said, you know what’s next right? “Unfriend!” and don’t try act like a martyr, you are not being “unfriended” because you righteous and I am wicked, but you must leave, because you are danger to yourself and those that hear you, and do not understand the most elementary principles concerning the Word of Truth! You say you from the Holy Spirit, then He’ll help you figure it out, just not here, not in camp, I guard these vigorously from all who oppose truth! Nevertheless, let Christ judge between you and me! Let Christ judge who speaks rightly! Surely, He has already judged, but you must go, you are a detriment to yourself and those you teach!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 20:48:00 +0000

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