I Miss tHe FeElin of Love, of bEing LovEd.. Buildin a rElationsHp - TopicsExpress


I Miss tHe FeElin of Love, of bEing LovEd.. Buildin a rElationsHp is Like a house, it nEeds a Solid foundation. A solid foundation can be a backgRound, efFort tHat has bEing put inordEr to makE tHat rElationsHip work. Even tHougH tHat one partnEr may not be faithful to tHe otHer, as long as hE/sHe shows commitment- tHen wErE good to go. A rElationsHp is not about sHowing ofF. ThE more u sHow ofF, it becomes a flame tHat is quick to go ofF. A rElationshp is made up of two pEople, once thEy r tHrEe, its no longEr a rElationsHp. It bEcomes hardsHp.. THe good way to ExprEss love is by action. Dont go around sayin I love u, LesS tHEory morE practical. U nEed to sHow it, sHow tHat u lovE HIm or Her. By rEspectn, nevEr lay a Hand. Make Him/Her feEl spEcial. REal lovE is not bougHt, but EarnEd. It takEs yRs to Earn tRust and a mattEr of sEconds to losE it. Earn tHat trust and rEmain faitHfuly. If He or sHe brEaks your hEart, u still havE your pride to kEep. U sHould be a drEam to someone, wHy wastE your time wth someone wHo has no sHort, Long tErm goal and vision about u??? RElasHionsHp, a rose, tHe more u springlE it- it groWS and it also neEd to be looked aftEr. It doEsnt just pErish, it lEaves rEgrEts bEhind. MtasekHaya you arE lucky to Have somEonE tHat lovEs u & values you. TakE carE of Him or Her..
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 14:43:49 +0000

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