I N D I V I D U A L I T Y? Schools in our - TopicsExpress


I N D I V I D U A L I T Y? Schools in our Educational system have not required psychology as part of what is deemed “EDUCATION”. Life has dictated to us for centuries how we haven’t related well as human beings! Haven’t learned communication and integrity or, to be blunt, valued peace. I do not need to find statistical information to make such a statement; so who would disagree with me that our elementary schools are missing an important ingredient of life termed psychology? We all are aware that children are a big part of our future. We, as a race have not chosen to value inward insights as one of the many priorities in life. As the human race has been evolving we see that much of our focus has been on surviving, to be direct, concerning farming our food and providing shelter for ourselves. This is still priority yet the value of inward growth as individuals has not been given reverence unto the quality of human life. Today, life is gradually looking different, with psychologists being paid to steer people inward towards growth. Having to pay for this kind of help is sad, though, for we should cultivate friendships which would steer us within towards insights and realizations of ourselves. Our society in the United States has emphasized independence and freedom, which is very healthy, and yet we need to keep an eye on “how” we are achieving, for there is much greed and envy and lust for power. Teaching psychology at early stages of education would instill within the focus of children their hearts as well as their minds. They could utilize mental faculties unto understanding feelings of their own! Wherein, responsibility of their emotions begins not from family but from educational truth. The truth that intelligence is not just academics! Learning of emotions is not separate from learning Math or English—it’s part of seeing and identifying within. Learning to write about them---privately can begin this attribute for them. Today, we are slowly getting to the importance of this but it needs to be implemented in elementary levels-- training the mind to learn of the little child within as well as scholarly goals.“Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted , and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” At the college level of our educational system there is hope. Students can get counseling for free with administration office counselors. There are courses of human relations and psychology. At this time in an individual’s life, incorporating psychology is great yet there would be much more benefit for the individual student at an earlier age---developing a habit of inward resolve. Who has made the administrative decision that finally at the age of 18 then we implement looking at the why’s of human behavior? This is a fallacy in educational administrative priorities and as well robbing children of their own understandings of others—why life would be quite different with less greed positively! Children understanding one another more eventually leads to cooperating businesses in greater communications and efficiency which could lead to an economic stability through human relations. That’s pretty simple and true don’t you think? A humanitarian approach with a societal issue addressed through true education! Helping children with their “Growing Up Skills” is psychology with their stages in life. Growing up skills could actually be the name of a fourth grade class, equated with the ability in school to read---just as important! To become aware in their consciousness of how they feel in relationship to others including their responses to them is a normal learning endeavor! It can become part of your flow of concentration and learning about someone may come “on the spot”! When I was in elementary school I remember attempting to do my homework feeling “stuck”. This emotion had everything to do with not being educated to identify emotions and responses to teachers, friends and family. The pressure involved with the academic schedule was too much. These times were hard and especially not being pointed to seek someone’s aid. This was very stifling for a time. It would be very easy to implement writing about how you feel in such a class with a name of “growing up skills”. There are many students who reach college and seemingly are doing well with everything in their lives. We think this is production for efficiency having diploma’s yet the divorce rate in our country again proves something is missing in our consciousness a missing link unto communication towards others and of ourselves. Many students have had no challenges unto inward learning’s growing up with a successful family life and good friends; this is wonderful yet the skills of psychological insight have not been taught even still. In the working world after College human relations is quite different. If there were difficulties therein they would need to have remembered the attributes from a “GROWING UP” class! Now perhaps as of late the Department of Education at the state level would agree with much of my discussion here in this text yet could this be implemented at the elementary level? Otherwise we still have the emphasis of academic knowledge reigning over anything pertaining to ourselves and others! This emphasis on facts figures and academics is as a computer chip planted within us bringing performance of such later in life—programmed; denoting us as vessels to contain information and slaves to perform for our potential superior elders of the business world. Production achievement and efficiency seems to cloud our free will. The constant focus is away from inner truth. Now if your career choice is being a scientist then no emotional turbulences please. Obviously no room for emotional upsets either if you are a lawyer trying to win a trial! Perhaps your Doctor had anxiety while performing surgery yet was he trained to deal with his emotions? Was he humble enough to call in someone else to assist? Companies as well have gone for efficiency with the technological growth and “people” are secondary. Educational authorities are convinced towards completing students unto production capabilities for performance for higher paying positions as the end in view but what about their longevity in human relations and the family life? It’s a wonder how much has been a detriment to us all with the lack of the suggested class entitled “Growing up Skills”. Our wide world web has increased communications in the entire world and has brought quickness in businesses for profit yet again we have less human relations again; a mother at home now can work “online” and “home-school” children. Does she remember to teach her children a bit of psychology, for its plainly “learning of yourself and others”! Are there any books for children emphasizing psychological attributes she can read with them? Our educational methods have insinuated that learning of yourself or others is not important! Furthermore developing a mechanical emphasis on life equating no necessity unto psychology whatsoever! Because we have ignored teaching about emotions to our children IS IT a wonder at all that there is strife, greed and lust for POWER! amazon/s?ie=UTF8&field-author=KIM%20DONALD%20CURTIS&page=1&rh=n%3A133140011%2Cp_27%3AKIM%20DONALD%20CURTIS
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 01:11:09 +0000

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