I NEED A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS > PLEASE SHARE WITH EVERYONE AND ANYONE YOU KNOW : I am feeling soooo frustrated . Since 1997, I have endured the manipulative tactics, emotional stress and financial hardship due to the x bringing unnecessary, frivolous, lawsuits against me. If anyone takes time to think, I am a single mom who has always worked full time while raising three kids. Those two tasks are more than a full load for any reasonable person. Before becoming divorced from my sons father , I was the sole provider for the family while he went to medical school and then began his residency. No one can fairly call me a hold digger or say that I have in any way brought financial harm to him or ever attempted to do so. All of this unnecessary legal stuff that seems to be fueled by some unfounded bitterness of the x towards me . It feels was if he for some reason unbeknownst to me, is using the court system merely as a means to harass me and cause me problems . It makes me wonder, if the courts and laws allow it to happen to me, what other single mom and children are being harmed by such tactics. The most recent ploys are numerous. The most recent ploy which effects me currently follows: In 2012, my ex sued me claiming he had spent $250, 000 dollars on childrens expenses and I owed him 1/2 of that amount .Neither I , any attorney I have had concerning the matter or the judge saw any documentation backing his claim. At the date of the hearing regarding the matter, I did not have an attorney because the attorney who was supposed to be representing me withdrew only a short while before the hearing. In the time between which he withdrew and the date of the hearing , I did not have time to get another attorney. With positive expectations, I went to court and asked Judge Arnold Goldin if I could have more time to get an attorney . He said no and heard the case. During the hearing , attorney Dan Taylor said everything he wanted. I was not allowed to say anything that I can remember .The judge ruled and placed a 115, 000 judgement against me . To the credit of the judge , I think he was trying to be fair, but I dont think he or the attorneys had complete knowledge of Tennessee child support laws. At this point I am wondering if anyone knows the laws because they appear to be ambiguous . If the laws are ambiguous they can be easily manipulated . That should not be allowed to happen . Since that time of the judgement , I have spoken with many attorneys . They all tell me two things which directly contradict all laws I can find written regarding child support . 1. Since more than 30 days have passed since the judgment , there is nothing I can do . My question to that is why did the judge or no one in the court inform me of that at the time? 2. That childrens expenses count as child support . If this is true , how is it that child support ever be determined fairly without examining the finical means of each parent . In my case no doucmentauton was presented regarding the means of either parent. I am frustrated because every single law I can find written in the books says that when child support is calculated, the means of both patents are to be considered. That is federal law from what I have read and .can comprehend Federal law also mandates each state is to design laws to abide by the federal law. The x s means are far greater than mine . If I cannot get the judgement against me which is classified as child supper changed , I want to at the very least be informed of the law and understand the law regarding child support . That is reasonable . I want to understand WHY and HOW both federal law and Tennesse State Child Support guidlelines can mandate that the means of each parent be considered before determining child support , yet the judges in Shelby County did not require that means be brought to the court before placing a judgement against me that counts as child support . I do NOT want what has happened to me and made life more difficult for my children than it should have been to every happen to anyone again. The X who sued me , clearly from the most innocent bystanders point of view has far greater means than I am ever capable of having . He is chief of radiology at a major hospital. He has interests in many radiology clinics in the surrounding area. He has a beautiful home nestled amidst the highest priced real estate in Memphis . He has a beautiful lake home enjoyed by his entire family at Pic Wic designed by architect Jeff Edwards rwhose work has been featured in Architecural Digest (Jeff Edwards you are welcome for me giving a shout out for your beautiful designs) The X owns four cars, two of which are luxury cars, boats , etc, When the judge placed the judgment against me, to his credit, he publicly stated in the court room that it was not child support. However, in the time since then , every attorney I have spoken to has told me that CHildrens expenses is equivalent to child support . My sincere question is if childrens expenses equal child support , how was it possible to determine that without considering the Federal Law which mandates that the means of each parent be considered when determining child support . My sincere question is why can no attorney do anything to help ? I am not a gold digger, but the judgment has caused me severe financial distress . How does such a miscarriage of justice occur in the courtrooms of our county . Why can it not be corrected ? What is going on in our courts that attorneys and judges alike allow one parent , regardless of motive to drag a parent through the mud finically ? I have heard from many that it happens all the time. My thought are that it may be true that is happens all the time, but something needs to change so that it does not continue to happen all the time, If anyone knows of any attorney, government agency, regulatory board or even simply of anyone who know WHAT THE LAW IS regarding setting child support who is smart enough and ethical enough and courageous enough to help me correct this miscarriage of justice , please let me know. I am not a gold digger, I simply want what is right and fair under TN law, If it is truly correct that in TN child support to the tune of 115, 000 diollars can be ordered without looking at either parents means, I want to not only know, I want to share that information with all of the citizens of the county . If citizens are not accurately informed and aware of laws , we have no way of holding leaders accountable to assure those laws are abided by . SO to all of my friends , from the bottom of my heart, please share with every lawmaker, attorney, judge, media person you know and help me get the word out . I want to KNOW WHAT the law is and i think I have a right to know. What attorneys are telling me is not matching the laws I read that are written. If there is a problem with our laws that negatively affect women and children, the public needs to know., and those laws need to be corrected. If the problem lies within our own judicial system, that also needs to be corrected . If the law truly supports a wealthy parent driving the other one to financial ruin, it is only fair that as a citizen I be allowed to know and understand the laws that directly affect me so I can at least do anything possible to change those laws. Where it is unjust to one, it is unjust to all . If justice can only be bought then it is no longer justice .It is only when things are brought to the light and identified that they can be corrected. Thanks to all who took the time to read , consider , and to those who will share to help bring awareness of any problem that might lie within our courts to all.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 15:17:42 +0000

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