I NEED TO TELL YOU A POSITIVE COMMENT ABOUT PATRIOTS. The American Patriots, the Free and The Brave, have and are procuring more and more knowledge and education regarding our Constitution, economy, individual and States Rights. I was on a Blog Talk Radio program last night where The Patriots were talking about What is the single point or Key, that we can ALL truly UNITE around because almost all of us has a single or more issues that we are keying in on and we are NOT USING our COMBINED POWER to UNITY to FORCE the Restoration of our Constitutional laws upon our elected Republican and Democrat usurpers and despots at our Municipal, County, State and Federal levels who are constantly spending money for things and making laws that are REPUGNANT to the Constitution. We ALL AGREED that the cause of all of our problems are two fold: 1st turning away from the Lord our God and 2nd, letting our elected Republican and Democrat make laws and spending legislation that are AGAINST THE RULE OF OUR Constitutional Laws. WE ARE SO CLOSE now, to UNITING! I am absolutely and utterly THRILLED that we are so close now. When WE The Patriots of the majority of our individual Patriot, Militia, Freedom, Tax Honesty, Constitution, Christian, and TEA Party Movements actually UNITE around a laser beam focus on that ONE KEY issue that will restore the RULE of our ENTIRE Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independence, and our WHOLE Constitution, UNDER GOD, our Republican and Democrat usurping despots and their hired thugs of Constitutional criminal contempt and corruption, in our Municipal, County, State and Federal Governments ARE FINISHED! Justice will be served and the Constitution WILL BE RESTORED to its FULL FORCE and AFFECT to limiting our Federal Government to eighteen limited powers and spending privileges as enumerated under Article I Section 8, pursuant to the Supremacy clause of Article VI as well as pursuant to our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws. And, our elected Municipal, County and State public usurpers will no longer be allowed to pass statutes and laws that are not Pursuant To the Constitutional laws which according to the Preamble of The Constitution, We The People ordained and established to secure our wages, our salaries, and our property from the IRS, from our elected Republican and Democrat USURPERS and despots and from the American voting MOB; as well as securing our INDIVIDUAL and States Rights, our State and Popular Sovereignty, our Individual American Middle Class wealth and power, our economy, our SMALL Businesses, our Jobs and the felicity of each of our home Countries which form a more perfect Union of fifty independent, free and sovereign States. ====================================================== Article VI clauses 2 & 3 Supremacy clauses: This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which -->shall be made in Pursuance thereofshall be the supreme Law of the Land
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 15:30:17 +0000

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