I NEED YOU TO JOIN ME at Liberty Park and WALK YOUR DOG WITH ME! - TopicsExpress


I NEED YOU TO JOIN ME at Liberty Park and WALK YOUR DOG WITH ME! Yes, walk your dog with me and Rufus or Pepper at Liberty Park on September 27th at 9:00 AM. I’m asking all my friends, peers, acquaintances, friends of friends on FB, to join me for this extremely important dog walk. Please register online today at... REGISTER: runningguru/EventInformation.asp?eID=12391 CLICK on the REGISTER NOW button on the bottom of that page! Many of you have LIKED the PAWS 4 Pancreatic Cancer Awareness page, but I am asking you to do more than click a LIKE button now. This is an ACTUAL EVENT in Clarksville, which will be a FUN Saturday morning, without question, and you will be able to actually help save lives. It’s too late to save my life as Pancreatic Cancer has claimed me, but with a few dollars and us BARKING and making some noise, we can make a difference for some of you! We are working with the Pancreatic Action Network by raising money for research. That is where cancer is beaten, in the research labs! Many of you or your loved ones WILL get pancreatic cancer. Today, modern medicine has no way of seeing this cancer coming but we’re fighting to change that. It takes good and charitable people like yourselves to make this happen. Besides having the pleasure to meet Rufus and walk with us, there will be Search and Rescue dogs doing demos, agility dogs will perform, see how service dogs help humans, and much more. People that register early will get our T-shirt, a bandana for your dog, a goodie bag, and it will be fun morning for everyone. If you can’t be there, you can still help by being a web walker by registering online! You don’t even have to own a dog to be a web walker! I look forward to walking with you and your dogs! You can make a difference. Know that. I have not asked my friends for help so far, but I am asking you now. Please join me in this battle and come be with me that morning with your furry friend. Thanks for your help! Register by pasting this link into your browser! runningguru/EventInformation.asp?eID=12391
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 18:45:25 +0000

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