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I NEED YOUR COMMENTS AND ADVICES you can inbox me too....:) Take 5 min to analyse this- a very new concept..... HINDUISM HAS BEEN MISINTERPRETED ALL THE TIME PART (I) The era has been reached up to the apex of the spiritual reality that every single person can explain what the dharma (religion) is. If you look around you see numerous of individuals explaining who the god is- even you; yourself. I am not belittling your intelligence- you may have different prospective that may be true but some time due to lack of your credibility your thoughts might not be accepted. Let me give you an example to make you better understand. If a person from Pakistan is asked where the Nepal is then he says in east. A Bhutanese says in west, a Chinese says in South, an Indian says it is in North and you say Nepal is right there where you are living right now. All of these answers are correct but your explanation will be highly accepted because you have credibility- you are from Nepal having all experiences and feelings of being there. Other people may have better knowledge about all the places of Nepal than yours, still your limited knowledge about Nepal stand out into the light. You might have got it now- experiences with feelings overcome the education and knowledge without feelings. Here we go- now I am going to share my personal feelings regarding some topics including Dharma and about much more other things. I am writing this just after my meditation schedule- do not go crazy with words by words; tenses may be messed up but the feelings are preserved. Therefore, I feel safe to speak it at loud. None is forced to believe what I believe- you are independent by born, as always. WHAT IS DHARMA? Dharma is a typical Sanskrit word which clearly means the Duty. There is no any word that I have encountered yet which means religion in Sanskrit. I do not know how the duty has been synonym of the religion for most of the people. Duty has a clear and very general definition- a moral or legal obligation; a responsibility. In ancient sanaatan period those who do and complete their duties were called as dharmic. It did not mean that they worshiped god or chanted mantras all the time. The term dharma is associated with the qualities. For example heat is associated with fire- hotness of fire is its quality and it is its dharma to produce heat. If fire is not producing heat then it is Adharmi according to Sanskrit terminology. Wind blows- blowing is its dharma, Ice is cold- coldness is its dharma, sun is bright- brightness is its dharma and so on. When dharma of something interferes in the existence of others it is candidly considered as the Adharma. A person whose house is on fire he says how cruel and adharmi the fire is that burns his house and loving ones with cruelty. Beyond the doubt, you can see cruelty of burning fire but the dharma of fire is to burn everything that comes on its way. So, dharma is the basic element which shows the existence of the things. Everything on the earth- either living being or non living being, they have specific dharmas. A predator kills its prey- tigers eat deers. Predating is dharma of tiger. Suppose a tiger feels sad about his habit of killing and eating deers and starts to live eating grass then it wont live alive for long because it has violated its dharma and an adharmic thing can never last long. Fire without heat, ice without coldness, sun without brightness- non sense. There is always a battle between grass eater and flesh eater among human- which is the best? Now people have associated the term vegetarian with religions and etc. A religious person says eating flesh is not a dharmic sign where as another religious person advocates without eating flesh dharmic procedures wont be completed. It is on your hand; test yourself whether you are carnivorous, herbivorous or omnivorous. You may be any one of those, do not hesitate. If you feel bad, vomiting and some other adverse physical or emotional symptoms after eating meat(different species), simply your are a vegetarian. You feel good eating meat as well as vegetables- you are an omnivorous. If you think you can not live without eating meat or you consume 90% or more flesh in your diet then you are a carnivorous. This is a very simple way to find out your dharma. If I have to say about human race as a whole group I must say a human refers to the manifestation of love, affection, compassion, wisdom, knowledge and a lot of feelings. The qualities of human do not include any term associated with killing and torturing of other kind. Thus, if we see at a glance, a human eating flesh is adharma. I know you are confused with of my contradictory statements now. At first I said it might be your dharma to kill and eat but now I am saying it is not. Okay, let me put it into the light with an example. If the earth is viewed from space or I mean, from satellite we will see- it is bluish and whitish in color. If we enter further more deep we may see different continents. Entering into continent Asia you will find India. In north part of India you will see Nepal. Inside of it there is Kathmandu. Inside of Kathmandu you are there in some place. In your place there is no ocean neither whole city is painted in blue. However, the earth looks blue from space. What I want you to understand here is you are not a whole human race- you are just a part of it, a representation. A part sometimes can not reflects all characteristics of its whole being. Whole human race has been divided into several groups and those groups is made up of numerous individuals. Every individual is provided with different and some specific characteristics- that specific characteristic of yours is your quality and to do accordingly is your dharma. But remember! Out of millions of characteristic of human race( a group) you have one- you do not have any unique characteristic from human race. Thus, killing and violence in the race is not your dharma because they do not fall in the characteristic of whole human race. By saying killing and eating flesh I wanted to clarify you that only the killing and eating own race is adharma but if you do same in inter race it might be dharma as described above, like eating chicken, goat or any other beings depending upon your characteristic. You can not declared a person killing a hen is adharmic. It is same as you declare a tiger adharmi just because it kills deer( Tiger and deer are different species). Wait! I understand what you want to say....I meant it. I am myself have been being vegetarian for more than one and half decades( and still vegetarian), nobody can understand the feelings of vegetarian as much as I can do, I guess. I am trying to say something different without any partiality- the truth. There is nothing bad if you eat different species but there is awesome good results if you quit eating any bodys flesh- irrefutable fact. You should not be oblivious with the fact that there are a lot of planets out in the universe- moon, sun, Jupiter and so on and they look in different color from far space. Likewise, you are not limited in the bounded territory of so called human race. Your expanded awareness can penetrate the ceiling of contracted humanity and takes you up to the point where super humanity exists- a godly being. Only for this reason being vegetarian is inevitable. You need to work so bad to accept this as your dharma- good luck. -Sunil Adhikari.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 07:24:02 +0000

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