I Need Help With Prayer Saturday, August 31st, 2013Christian - TopicsExpress


I Need Help With Prayer Saturday, August 31st, 2013Christian LifePrayer Q. I have been struggling with prayer for some time. I pray quite often but feel like I haven’t got my “message across”. I feel like I have to keep praying and praying saying the same things to make sure he hears me. I feel like if I don’t pray the same thing everyday sometimes 5 or 6 times a day then my prayer will not get answered. Also, I know we aren’t supposed to pray for selfish things, so is praying for God to help sale our house or find a house close to our family where we want to be wrong? Please help. A. If you want to make sure your prayers are “getting through” I recommend always asking God to forgive you for any sins you’ve committed when you pray to make sure there are no outstanding issues between you and Him (1 John 1:9). You don’t have to list them one by one and forgiveness is automatic, so don’t be reluctant to ask. From what you say it appears you might have difficulty being patient. I recommend you study Matt. 6:5-8. In that passage you’ll learn that God knows what you need before you ask Him so you don’t have to repeat the same prayer endlessly hoping you’ll get through. He has already heard your prayer and has decided how best to answer it. There’s nothing wrong with praying for selfish things. If you want God’s help with the sale of your current house, or in finding you a new one, ask for it. Our God is a loving father who delights in giving good things to His children (Matt. 7:9-11).
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 08:57:15 +0000

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