I Need You By Linda Bailey I quickly had to manage my own money, - TopicsExpress


I Need You By Linda Bailey I quickly had to manage my own money, fend for myself and make my own decisions. 2 Chronicles 13:1-22 Reference: The Israelites were subdued on that occasion, and the people of Judah were victorious because they relied on the Lord, the God of their ancestors. (2 Chronicles 13:18 NIV) Explore: From a young age I learned to be independent. As I left home for boarding school at 14, I quickly had to manage my own money, fend for myself, and make my own decisions. This meant that I learned to suffer through my own consequences and not rely on other people. I often feel that this has impacted my current friendships, as I enjoy catching up with others, but don’t feel like I must rely on other people’s interaction to complete my day. Friends who like to feel needed don’t get fulfilled in my relationship as I can stand firmly on my own. Application: Clearly, I see independence as a positive characteristic. However, it does have a dark side. I am only one person and cannot complete everything on my own. When I try, it only leads to failure and isolation. And so, I have to work at including others in my journey. When it comes to my faith, I have to remember to include God in my journey. I’m often so busy trying to do everything on my own that I move forward before consulting God. I loved reading of the faith that the king of Judah had in God. He relied on God in a battle, even when he was surrounded by his opposition. There is no greater power that we can rely on than God. He is wise, patient, loving and compassionate and improves every situation. As we go through life, it’s good to build on the strengths that we have, but let’s not move forward so confidently that we leave God behind. Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for being our constant source of strength, wisdom and power. Forgive us when we try to be so independent that we go it alone. May we have You so intrinsically connected to our lives that Your ideas flow freely through us. Amen. On a scale from 1-10, 1 being totally reliant and 10 being totally independent, where would you sit?
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 08:12:42 +0000

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