I ONLY ROB CHURCHES – 23-YEAR-OLD THIEF CONFESSES Sanni Umaru, the 32-year old son of a late soldier, has made a confession in court that he is a thief but only steals in churches. The Kano State-born Umaru was charged before the Abule Egba Magistrates’ Court with stealing after he was arrested for burgling St Barnabas Anglican Church and Redeemed Church of God at Oko-Oba, Lagos State, southwest Nigeria. Umaru pleaded guilty to the two-count charge of burglary and stealing before the court and confessed that he prefers to steal in churches because it is easier to do so as he does not need to carry arms or go with anybody for operations. Umaru, who attended Army Children School, Oshodi, Lagos and did not go further in his education, said that it was not the first time he stole in a church. The suspect, who was initially a scavenger, confessed that he went into full time stealing in churches some years ago after the death of his father who had served with the Nigerian Army. He said he had stolen in many churches in the area and sometimes got a lot of money. Umaru was caught in the act when he burgled the Redeemed Christian Church of God. He had initially broken into Anglican Church but when he did not find any money in the offering box, he stole some musical instruments and went away with them. Not satisfied with his success that night, he went to the Redeemed Christian Church of God to steal and while he broke into the church, a security man raised the alarm and he jumped into the next house to escape. While he was trying to escape, he was caught with the stolen items by some of the residents of the area and handed over to the police at Oko-Oba division. At the station, he reportedly confessed that he was a thief and he was charged to court where he pleaded guilty. Some of the items he stole included jazz musical instruments and offering pans. They were tendered as exhibits before the court. When asked whether he regretted his action, he said he knew that he would be caught one day and be prosecuted in a court of law. The court ordered that he should be remanded in Kirikiri Prisons in Lagos and adjourned the matter.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 05:43:29 +0000

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