I PERSONALLY USE " BRAGGS APPLE CIDER VINGAR " 22 Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar 1. Skin Toner: Apple cider vinegar is ideal as a toner for the skin to return the skin to its natural pH after cleansing. In addition, the antibacterial effect of this vinegar kills the bacteria that cause acne. It is less harsh than some other topical acne treatments are, just as effective in most cases, and a cheaper natural alternative treatment. 2. Window Cleaner: This vinegar mixed with water to wash windows beats out other more expensive glass cleaners. It cleans dirt and grime off the inside and outside of windows, without leaving streaks. You can easily mix a large gallon of glass cleaner and have it readily available for any of your glass cleaning needs including the mirrors. 3. Hair Rinse: Mix a little of this vinegar in your rinse water, when you shampoo your hair. It will help get all the shampoo out of your hair to leave it squeaky clean. Also, it restores the hair’s pH, as it does with skin, when used as a toner. 4. Fruit Fly Trap: Do you have a fruit fly problem from time to time? I know I occasionally do. All you need to do is set out a small container of this apple cider vinegar, but also cover the container with some plastic wrap or a plastic lid. Poke a hole in the lid or wrap and it may take a few days for this to be successful, but the vinegar will attract the fruit flies to it and they will drown in it. This could also work for the annoying houseflies. 5. Sunburn Relief: Cool off your next sunburn with a splash of AVC! Add about 2 tablespoons of this vinegar to about 2 cups of cold tap water. Pat this mixture onto your sunburned skin. You could also add approximately 2 cups of this vinegar to a cool bath, if your sunburn covers a large part of your body. Soak for about 2 minutes for the full effect. 6. Immune Booster: This vinegar added to filtered water with some raw honey in it makes a natural health tonic. Drink it once to twice daily. This can strengthen your immune system to ward off various health issues. 7. Wart Treatment: Apple cider vinegar is a natural treatment for warts. Put some of it on a ball of cotton and tape the cotton ball to the skin directly on the wart. Leave this on for at least 8 hours or overnight. If the wart is deeply rooted, it may take a couple applications of this vinegar, but the vinegar will help the wart fall from your skin. Continue treating the skin area for about 2 to 3 more days to prevent a recurrence. 8. Balances Blood Sugar: A couple tablespoons of this vinegar in water each day will help to balance blood sugar levels. This is quite beneficial for diabetics to do daily. 9.. Weight Loss: ACV is a great weight loss aid. Add just 2 teaspoons of it to about 2 cups of filtered or tap water. Drink this mixture periodically throughout your day. Acetic acid is an effective ingredient in this vinegar and along with other weight loss efforts help the body shed unwanted fat. Triglyceride levels in the body also could decline to levels that are more normal. (Use caution, and do not use too much) 10. Detoxification: Looking to detox your body? There is nothing kinder than the apple cider vinegar for this. Studies show that it is effective in detoxifying your liver. 11. Household Cleaner: ACV is a great household cleaner besides just the glass cleaning we mentioned earlier. Since it has antibacterial qualities, it helps to disinfect your counters, toilets, bathtubs, sinks and more in your house. 12. Deodorize Cloth Diapers: People still use cloth diapers today. These can be quite difficult to get the urine smell out of along with the ammonia the urine creates. Adding this type of vinegar to the rinse water for the diapers will remove the leftover ammonia and urine smell. 13. After-Shave: ACV can be used in place of commercial aftershave products. Mix this vinegar and water 50/50 and just apply to the freshly shaven area. 14. Nail Fungus: Apply this vinegar to toenail or fingernail fungus twice a day. In time, it will work to rid you of the fungus. 17. Sore Throat Relief: Gargling this vinegar and warm water has helped some people soothe a sore throat. Mix the water and vinegar 50/50 to get the right ratio of each. The vinegar sets up an acid environment that makes it hard for the germs causing the sore throat to live. 15. Soil Acidity: Add acid to your garden soil by mixing a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a quart of tap or rainwater. Plants such as azaleas love soil that is acidic. 16. Grass Killer: Grass does not like acidic soil, so if you have grass growing in unwanted areas, mix the same ratios as mentioned in #15 and place on the grass. 17. Flower Fresh: Freshly cut flowers will stay nice longer in the vase by adding 2 tablespoons of this vinegar and a teaspoon of sugar to the room temperature water in the vase. 18. Bug Bite Relief: It has been reported that ACV can stop the itching of bug bites. Just dab a little on each bite. 19. Set Color In Clothes: This vinegar helps to set color into fabric that has just been dyed. Just put some in the final rinse water to lock in the color. 20. Vegetable Rinse: This vinegar and water makes a great vegetable rinse before you prepare fresh vegetables for cooking. You can also wash your fresh fruits in the same rinse. 21. Drain Cleaner: Pour ACV down your drain every week, or so to freshen the pipes. 22. Unclogs Sinks: Pour about 1/2 cup of baking soda down your drain followed by 1/2 cup of this type of vinegar to unclog it. Let is set for a few hours and then rinse thoroughly with hot water.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 12:03:07 +0000

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