I PROPHECY to the Elijah and the Esther of today. I speak courage - TopicsExpress


I PROPHECY to the Elijah and the Esther of today. I speak courage and strength into your hearts because that threat and negative report you received was to take you off your Kingdom mission. That assault, rebellion, and opposition is a purposefully intended revolt to stop the work of the LORD in you and through you. Jezebel has caused many of GODs servants to run, retreat, and back off. The spirit of greedy prideful Haman has desired to assert himself and be like the Most High. Even Abasalom has joined forces; you know the spirit that likes to usurp and overthrow authority and the spirit of Korah who feeds on rebellion? Yes, if you can understand what is taking place in the Heavenlies, you will understand and perceive that the physical is only a manifestation of what is taking place in the atmosphere. PROPHECY, PRAY, and POSITION yourselves. Quit you like men and GET UP from hiding under your Juniper tree, quit whining, and THINK NOT that you are the only one left standing. The LORD has a remnant of people in places you know not of. But dont think for one minute that if you dont cry out like Mordecai and Esther that you too will escape. He that has an ear let him hear what the Spirit is saying to His Church. ~2014 Narda Goodson Scriptures to Meditate on: Numbers 16 - Korah 1 Kings 19 - Jezebel 2 Samuel 15 - Absalom Esther 1-10 - Haman 13Then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther, Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the kings house, more than all the Jews. 14For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy fathers house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 15:07:09 +0000

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