I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, - TopicsExpress


I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for Which it Stands, One Nation under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All Let us examine that statement…..if you dare the original pledge was written by a couple of socialists…then the progressives got involved then the Christians got involved again…and now the progressive socialists and atheists are involved…again….. to pledge allegiance to an object…..rather than the ideals it represents seems a bit idolatrous….which is why some persons never would recite it….and the ‘under God’ addition was to solve problems with it……the ideals the flag represents are those that stem from documents the authors of which spent time in crediting the Creator God for all this country and its flag was to stand for…. being a Republic made up of a federation of States means it is not one nation…nor indivisible as many a centralist in D.C….and elsewhere….claims….and is trying to force us into becoming…..these are the same types who fought the inclusion of ‘under God’ being added to the pledge in the first place and are now trying to remove it…and are of the same ilk who wanted George Washington to become King of a centralized state and not a republic…and advocate a socialist state in the 19th Century when the pledge was first written..... we do not have liberty and justice for all….what little we thought we have is being taken from us one small seemingly innocuous law at a time claiming to advance liberty and justice…… political phrases and oaths are designed to indoctrinate an agenda….through uplifting emotional hooks that are seemingly innocent and yet…at times….the opposite of what you see on the surface….. for my self..... I have stood before God and this flag…a symbol of the Federal Republic of these United States of America and by oath to God I have promised to strive…..before Him and guided by Him….to seek to guarantee liberty and justice for all to the best of my ability… not social justice....but equality under law...not laws that make others more egual or less equal by position than others but are based on precepts from God.....and are to protect all from the predation of evil Of course if you do not believe in God…or evil….then liberty and justice seems to mandate taking God and moral and ethical values out of everything…as they have rights that must not be violated no matter you or I lose ours…..so as many come ‘out of the closet’…the rest of us roll over and enter our closet voluntarily lest we offend the evil ones claiming to only seek justice and liberty from their oppressors….and when we stop to voluntarily confine ourselves under their rule….and truly resist….they will murder us… have no doubt of that…. For myself I will not compromise with evil no matter the flowery phrases used in an attempt to delude me…evil is evil….this cannot be tolerated…. Now…you may wish to rethink where your allegiance lay….with a concept that allows for rights to be redefined in such a manner as to take your rights away from you to cater to a minority position….well…if you believe in that be prepared to kiss your rights goodbye…..and perhaps your life and liberty….as they will become increasingly subservient to the state…… a state compromised of ruler and subject….. not governance by consent….. or have you not noticed this government is already made up of those who do not listen to the voice of the common man unless such voice allows them to ever increasingly expand dominion over you…and thus…..rule you…not serve you…..
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 23:45:40 +0000

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