I Posted This On April 20, 2014, 8 Months Ago. I Am Re-Sharing - TopicsExpress


I Posted This On April 20, 2014, 8 Months Ago. I Am Re-Sharing Again For The sake Of My New Friends On The Social Media. Why Nigerian Youths Must Fight For Their Future By Badero Olusola We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope - Martin Luther King, Jr. I woke up this morning with a message of hope to my fellow Nigerian youths. Just like Ive always said, Nigeria is a hopeless country when it comes to her teaming disorientated youths, but all hope is not lost. Nigerian youths have never had it this bad. I was listening to the song of Nigerian popular Apala musician, late Ayinla Omowura last night and was taken aback on how long Nigeria has been so poorly managed by our previous rulers. In that music he sang about the deteriorating economy of the country. That was way back in the 70s. He sang of how people were finding it difficult to feed their families. How #2 garri cant feed just a single man talk less of his family. How people were becoming so poor that they cant even merry with their friends any longer. Now fast forward that to 2014. Thats like 40 years later. What do we have today? Abject poverty. Education was once a tool for social liberation in Nigeria but not anymore. You can get a phd in whatever field, certificates are almost useless today in the country if you dont know people in power. Everything is nosediving and inching toward a total collapse. Struggle, hopelessness and total frustration is written all over the peoples faces. Ask any Nigerian youth if he/she still believes in the govt of the country and the response youll get can better be imagined. Our young secondary school leavers are also being affected in this hopeless situation we deliberately plunged ourselves into. Our girls are being married to men old enough to be their grandfathers, while their older peers now feature in High Class Prostitution, code named Runs, all in an effort to escape the current abject poverty plaguing the land like a raging tsunami. Morality in Nigeria have reached its lowest ebb. No one cares. The system is just not favorable to any hardworking youth. Now everyone is on the fast lane. Name all the social malady in Nigeria today, our youths are at the forefront. Be it Prostitution, armed robbery, kidnapping, fraud, exam malpractices, ritual killings, drug pushing, terrorism, just name it. Nigerian youths have lost hope in Nigeria. Its now a matter of use whatever you have to get what you want. Gone are the days when child trafficking was a taboo. But today, every Nigerian youth believe he must get out of the country in search of the proverbial greener pastures. They are even paying to get trafficked to anywhere in the world. Syria, Oman, India, Bangladesh and so on. So far its just to get out of Nigeria. Yet the rulers dont see anything wrong in that. Thousands are dying every year in an attempt to cross the Sahara desert to Europe for an uncertain future. Those shouting war against child trafficking are doing so, much more cuz of the $$$$$ dollars they get from foreign donors. Its all eye services. But I come with a message of hope this day. Its not over for you in the Project Nigeria. Its time we do away with the belief, We are powerless. There is strength in numbers. We have the numbers and these tyrants knows this. They wont let you discover this or let you make your numerical strength. Thats why the concept of divide and rule, introduced by the French colonial masters in French West Africa during their occupation of Africa, is still very much in effect till date. Internet gives you access to information that your leaders wont ever divulge to you. Every information minister or commissioner in Nigeria can be likened to the post of Propaganda Chief of Hitlers tyrannical reign in Germany during the Nazis reign in the 30s and 40s. They would tell you basically what they wanted you to hear. Promising you what they have no plan of doing. Giving you unrealistic hopes. Once they realized the game is about to be up, theyll change the propaganda. Then you start hoping again. Take the issue of Electricity for example. Old wine in new bottle. No one is gonna change Nigeria for you, but you. Stop seeing your fellow youth asking questions from these vision less leaders as your enemy. Your real enemy is that Aso Rock and other Govt houses occupier across the country. Stop celebrating them and start asking questions. A govt that gives out hundreds of wheelbarrows, okadas or rechargeable lanterns to jobless youths is your enemy. They dont want your progress. A govt that takes away your right to quality education and security is your enemy. Stop attending their Rallies. Stop collecting money from them. Stop defending these looters. A President, Governor or Senator who cant afford a decent living suddenly became billionaires with the money that ought to give you good lives. A govt that sees difficulty in paying #50,000 as a minimum wage but quickly approved over #100mn for a senator as yearly take home is a Boko Haram Govt. A govt that forces you to pay #300,000 as tuition and sends their children to Cambridge, Harvard and other multi million dollar schools abroad is an Al-Qaeda associate. A govt that construct a km of road @ #1.4bn but cant pay unemployment benefits to her citizen or create industry to provide jobs is actually a killer govt. You must destroy them. Dont spare them. Go to your villages, talk to your fellow brothers and sisters why they need to be part of the change. Use the next election in that country to effect a real change. Reject the known looters and defend your votes. If they try to arm-twist you, destroy them and if the country can boil let it burn. Enough is enough. But if you are satisfied with your current situation, good luck. Blame no one for your misfortune. Maybe your own children will fight for their own liberation after your own failure. At least your own parent did nothing and now its your turn. The choice is yours. We have been disappointed for too long, but we must not give up. All hope is not lost my fellow compatriots. Only if you can act now. Happy Easter To Everyone. Maiyegun General.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 14:03:57 +0000

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