I REALLY WANT SOME NON BIOS OPPINIONS ON THIS STORY WONT MENTION NAMES AT THIS TIME BUT THE PARTIES INVOVELED WILL KNOW WHO THEY R IVE MOVED ON GAVE IT TO GOD!!!!!!!But when a person insist on praying for someone theve done wrong its hippercritical and that means mabe they should pray for their selves before they pray to fix me they should see their short comeings first. .........................................Story begins with a man looking for someone to build a ghost town.Well anyone who knowes me knowes ive built a very good reputation with my wrk and wrk ethics its a humilation to put a 10$ a hour on my skills when it comes to carpentry well home improvements peroid.This guy calls me his freind and says we have a special arangment ok alls good.WELL ID LIKE FOR WHOM MAY READ THIS TO LOOK ON U TUBE UNDER GOVERMENT LIQUIDATION DANA COLLINS and see my work and listen for me to b mentioned it dont happen the only reconition i got for that wrk was doing all the labor ill post a shower bath remodel pics on here for everyone to see tile wrk is not cheap I personaly told him how bad he was getting to me on it his reply was we got a special arangment.So this guys my freind but just to his benifit.OK alls good till he teels me his girfreind says he needs to get all he can out of me b for I leave for 10$ an hr They invited me to a LDS dinner at taylor park my freinds girlfreind that said that and critisized my wrk sat at a table and told two not one but two guys she was not with him so after the dinner I told him what was said I CONFIDED IN A SO CALLED FREIND WITH THIS INFO cos I would have exspected the same of him but told him not to tell her where he heard it fist thing he did was tell her so she demanded not ask or discused it she wanted an apology from me for being a freind to him but she couldnt deny it in front of him it was belittleing to me the way she did it and he let her do it and after she left he called her and ask me to apoligize I DID EVEN THOUGHT I FELT IT WAS WRONG TO HAFT TO APOLIGIZE FOR CNFIDING IN A FREIND SHE WAS RUDE WHEN I DID EVEN THOU I DID NO WRONG THE ABUSE CONTINUED WAS NEVER MENTIONED ONCE ON U TUBE.AND MY SO CALLED FREIND NEVER TRIED TO FIX THIS HE LET HER GET BY WITH TREATING ME LIKE TRASH WHEN I TOLD HIM TO GET A BID FROM A CONTRACTOR TO COMPARE WHAT HE WAS PAYING ME HE HIRED A CONTRACTOR ON TWO NOT ONE BUT TWO JOBS THATS HOW U TREAT A FREIND DONT THINK SO I HATE THE WORD HIPOCRETE BUT WE ALL PUT OUR PANTS ON ONE LEG AT A TIME AND IF U CAN DEMAND A APOLIGY THEN U SHOULD B ABLE TO GIVE ONE WHEN UR WRONG I DONT DIDNT AND WONT OWE NEITHER OF THEM I TAKE MY INVENTORY DAILY TO B THE BEST MAN I CAN IM NOT PERFECT OR THINK IM BETTER THAN THEY R BUT I BELIEVE THIS WAS WRONG IM UPSET THAT 4 YRS OF SPECIAL ARANGMENTS WAS WAY TOO MUCH TO GET A THANKS LIKE THAT NEVER A BONUS I FEEL USED 1400$ FOR A 8000.00 WORTH OF LABOR ON A SHOWER REMODEL IS A HIGH PRICE TO PAY FOR A FREIND THAT TREATS U LIKE THAT HE SAYS HES PRAYING FOR ME SOUNDS TO ME HE NEEDS TO PRAY FOR THE SELFISENESS IN HIM AND HIS HOLYIER THAN THOU GIRLFREIND.........PLS JUSTIFY MY FEELINGS ON THIS MATER ITS BOTHERING ME I KNOW IM NOT WRONG BUT MABE I CAN LET THIS GO IF I KNOW FOR SURE I WAS RIGHT SO PLS GIVE ME UR OPIONION THANKS
Posted on: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 01:45:10 +0000

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