I REBUKE BIND AND LOOSE BACK TO THE ABYSS THE EVIL SPIRIT OF SUICIDE AND DEPRESSION RIGHT NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST! IF you are even thinking about giving UP, KNOW this ! The devil has deceived you into thinking that there is NO way out of your current situations BUT what you are failing to see is that God has allowed this set of circumstances so he could reveal himself to YOU! You have allowed your relationship with him to get distant and your priorities are out of order! The good thing is that no matter what state you find yourself in God has never left YOU! PRAY THIS PRAYER RIGHT NOW FOR INSTANT RELIEF FROM THE DEMONIC ATTACK RIGHT NOW! LORD JESUS CHRIST, I COME TO YOU AS HUMBLED AS I KNOW HOW. I ASK IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST THAT YOU FREE ME FROM THIS DEMONIC ATTACK I AM UNDER. IT IS WRITTEN IN YOUR WORD THAT I CAN CALL ON YOUR NAME AND WHO THE SON SETS FREE IS FREE INDEED! I REPENT RIGHT NOW AND ASK FORGIVENESS FOR ALLOWING MYSELF TO GET INTO THIS POSITION FATHER BUT YOUR WORD SAID THAT EVERYTHING WORKS TOGETHER FOR MY GOOD. I NOW REALIZE THAT I NEED TO STAY CLOSE TO YOU AND KEEP YOU PRIORITY ONE IN MY LIFE. I PRAY THIS PRAYER WITH ALL SINCERITY FROM MY HEART IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST! FATHER TEACH ME YOUR WAYS, NOT THE TRADITIONS OF MEN BUT YOUR WAYS SO MY WAYS ARE PLEASING TO YOU FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. I DESIRE YOUR PERFECT WILL FOR MY LIFE FROM THIS PRAYER FORWARD AND WITH YOUR HELP I KNOW I CAN DO ALL THINGS! I THANK YOU FOR HEARING THIS PRAYER AND SENDING YOUR WARRING ANGELS TO SET ME FREE IN JESUS CHRIST NAME I PRAYER AMEN! There are to many hurting people who are going through the motions, you cannot fake it until you make it! You will get frustrated and depressed and the spirit of suicide will attack you to get you to try to take yourself OUT! The devil is a punk, he cannot do it he needs you to do it. He can only deceive YOU, IF YOU LET HIM! Stay connected to REAL GOD FEARING PEOPLE WHO WALK IN INTEGRITY DAILY and before you know it YOU will be the one encouraging people! I have not arrived and i am not perfect BUT I DO NOT PLAY WITH SPIRITUAL WARFARE! If you need me inbox call or schedule an appointment with me ASAP! I know God desires to use YOU which is why the devil wants to kill YOU!
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 02:07:28 +0000

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