I RECOGNIZED & REALIZED MY MISTAKE! NOW AM HEALED! ..........(Years-long suffering were all lies of the enemy!)........... God healed me from a 14-year long bloating tummy daily out of mal-absorption, lactose, fructose & carbohydrate intolerance! I can eat what I want now! I can breathe properly now! I don´t gasp for breath while walking anymore! From 39-inch waistline, now it´s only 34 & 1/2 inches! I only have to slim down! hahaha I simply declared what God did for me on the cross ... ignoring the cruel feelings of air-filled, tight stomach every after eating at least 3 to 4 times a day! And that´s almost 14 years in Dec. 2013! Wheeeewww! I thought before that God would just leave it unhealed for his name´s glory & honor! So, I simply took it like a martyr suffering severely! But NO! It wasn´t so! I was wrong! The devil lied to me out of my healing through wrong belief, wrong thoughts & wrong words of my own mouth about it instead! It was plainly misconception & deception! When I started doing what God told & taught me from the very beginning, I stopped complaining! I stopped expressing dissatisfaction! I stopped praising the pain, like, "ooohhh, it´s painful. Ooooh, it´s cruel! Ooohhh, it´s annoying! Ooohhh, I wanna die now! Ooohhh, take me home, Lord. I wanna be free & get out from this body on earth!" Even if it was yet bothering me, I just ignored the bloating, air-filled, balloon-like, tight tummy, but praised God instead & thanked him of my healing through what he did on the cross for me! I didn´t even take any medicine anymore, ´coz nothing helped me anyway! I just don´t take it anymore, for none helps! Everytime it attacked me, I simply said, "Satan & all demon spirits of sickness & disease, am tired of you all! I don´t want to support you with complaints anymore. 1. You are all supernaturally defeated by the shedding of the blood & the water on the cross from Jesus´ side up there on the cross! 2. You are all supernaturally paralized by what Jesus did ... dying on the cross for me. You are all supernaturally immobile & motionless against me, against my sons & against all believers of God´s words...worldwide. 3. You are all bound on earth & bound in heaven in Jesus´ name. 4. I am loosed on earth & loosed in heaven from you all by the blood of the Lamb of God! 5. Your assignments are all over & done! It is cut off in Jesus´ name by the blood & water Jesus shed on the cross! 6. JESUS completed my healing right then & there when CHRIST rose again from the dead on the 3rd day & ascended into heaven back to his own glorious kingdom. 7. Get lost from my body where my "born-again spirit" by the Words of the Lord dwells. You don´t have a place & no more chance to linger longer in me. You are all supernaturally frozen against me by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross! I don´t believe in any of your seen & felt lies anymore. I was healed 2,000 years ago. I am healed & I will always be healed everytime I get sick! 8. I thank my Lord God & Saviour Jesus, my Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals who is my God the Healer!" And without even noticing it, am freed & delivered from every infirmity! Halleluja! Even the allergic rhinitis can´t linger a li´l longer than a few minutes anymore! And that´s without any steroid-filled ointment! No anti-histaminic! No nothing at all, but the Words of God & HIS blessings being declared diligently daily without ceasing in thnxgiving, praising & worship in Spirit & in Truth that God has given to each & every believer of His Holy Words of Blessings uttered & written even before the world began!!! At last am normal again after suffering 14 years long from bloating tummy & from allergic rhinits for almost my whole life! Glory alone unto God! You just don´t know & could not imagine how happily pleasant I have been feeling now! God Bless You all supernaturally by faith without wavering, brethren worldwide! September 5, 2013 - Thursday 10:12 p.m.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 11:58:26 +0000

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