I REMEMBER WHEN I LEFT CHICAGO IN 90 FOR WHAT I THOUGHT WAS A LIL STAY IN OAKLAND, CA TO GET AWAY, IT WAS ALREADY PURPOSED THAT I WOULD JOIN UNDER WATCH-CARE WITH HUMPHREY JR. AS WE CALLED HIM AT FELLOWSHIP! LITTLE DID I KNOW THAT I WOULD REMAIN IN OAKLAND FOR A SEASON OF 12 LIFE-CHANGING YEARS AND EVEN THOUGH GOD LED ME TO BISHOP HAWKINS & LOVE CENTER, THAT BISHOP REV. GORDON HUMPHREY JR. WOULD BE MY NIGHT/2ND PASTOR AND A GREAT REASON TO WHY IM NOT SCARED AS A WOMAN IN MINISTRY! I grew up from a teen watching him walk the benches at Fellowship and how Rev. Evans (Preacha as we call him), poured so much of himself into Gordon Humphrey Jr.... I immediately became his CHICAGO connection from day one visiting Olivet! Who knew that they would become as much as my church family as Love Center is... My greatest and dearest friends/family came and are as a result of that man! Because church hopping on a Sunday is what we do in Chicago, 1 service wasnt enough for me so there I was EVERY sunday nite in those first 3 rows like I had been planted there, many nights leading worship or singing on the praise team with my childhood brother and fellow Love Center member but Olivet bootlegger, Dave Hollister. I remember my LC family used to always tease me, Why you always running over there? I remember inviting some of them, who started coming... one in particular, Mugsy! Baby we would church like MIdwest/East Coast churches. Finally at a gathering at Bishops (Walter) he said, Uhm why do you have to go to church after you have gone to church? I said, Its a chicago thing, yall Cali folk dont get it. the churches are actually just alike and we should come together! You know how I always say that Ive been called to be a conduit??? This was part of that assignment... (you have to be secure because often you will connect and no longer be a part) WELL LC went to Olivet on a sunday nite and when I tell you the CHURCH that we had and how Bishop (Walter) grabbed Reverends (Gordon) hand and said, Were gonna take this city and seal it with a praise!!! The way they danced then, HAS to be the way they are dancing now in heaven... AND THE TWO CHURCHES ARE STILL CONNECTING TO THIS VERY DAY! I have been real angry and not free enough to post good tidings about his transition, but when you get free... you get free! My brother De Shawn Little texted me this pic (Reverend w/my brothers... Jimmy, Greg & Jeff) that I had been trying to find and it made me smile! Rev. Humphrey ALWAYS pushed me as a female preacher!!! He would always be in my ear... PULL IT SAN! PULL IT GURLLLLL!!!! That would make me light up cuz, listen, if I havent learned anything from my quartet preaching daddy, my running, crooning, hooping, uncle/spiritual granddaddy, Reverend Clay Evans and that Bishop Rev. Gordon Humphrey, Jr. this girl got a pullllllll way down on the inside LOLOL.. now be not deceived, Im ALWAYS a lady, but uhm yeah... I said ALL this to say... I THANK GOD FOR THE LIFE OF REV. GORDON HUMPHREY JR. AND THE PART THAT HE PLAYED IN MY BECOMING!!! There will never be another like you! Thank you for your boldness, your kind spirit and your willingness not to kiss ANYONES tail-feather to obtain what God had ALREADY placed in you!! I love you SIR and HONOR YOU THIS DAY AND FOREVER! P.s. Thank you N Nichole Tibbs for my obituary! It brought closure and helped me write this.... Rest on Reverend... You Pulled it Long enough!
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 00:42:20 +0000

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