I REPORTED THIS A WHILE BACK.... YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THE XFINITY WI-FI APP AND SEE ALL THE PUBLIC WI-FI HOTSPOTS INCLUDING IF YOUR MODEM/ROUTER IS PUBLIC WI-FI ENABLED.... YOU CAN ALSO VIEW COVERAGE ACROSS THE WHOLE AMERICA. Android App link at the bottom of this post..... Sample map in comments: Its been one year since Comcast (CMCSA) started its monster project to blanket residential and commercial areas with continuous Wi-Fi coverage. Imagine waves of wireless Internet emitting from every home, business and public waiting area. Comcast has been swapping out customers old routers with new ones capable of doubling as public hotspots. So far, the company has turned 3 million home devices into public ones. By years end it plans to activate that feature on the other 5 million already installed. Anyone with an Xfinity account can register their devices (laptop, tablet, phone) and the public network will always keep them registered -- at a friends home, coffee shop or bus stop. No more asking for your cousins Wi-Fi network password. Related: CNNMoneys cybersecurity magazine But what about privacy? It seems like Comcast did this the right way. See your online secrets revealed Outsiders never get access to your private, password-protected home network. Each box has two separate antennae, Comcast explained. That means criminals cant jump from the public channel into your network and spy on you. And dont expect every passing stranger to get access. The Wi-Fi signal is no stronger than it is now, so anyone camped in your front yard will have a difficult time tapping into the public network. This system was meant for guests at home, not on the street. As for strangers tapping your router for illegal activity: Comcast said youll be guilt-free if the FBI comes knocking. Anyone hooking up to the Xfinity Wi-Fi public network must sign in with their own traceable, Comcast customer credentials. XFINITY WI-FI APP https://play.google/store/apps/details?id=comcast.hsf
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 05:41:25 +0000

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