I. RWC Membership A. Applying for Council Membership 1. - TopicsExpress


I. RWC Membership A. Applying for Council Membership 1. Guilds wishing to apply for RWC membership must contact the CAs office for assistance. The submission of a roster filled out by the Guilds Leader is considered a proper application for admission into the RWC. 2. One leader for each group with 15+ members shall rule on violations and rule changes. 3. The application must have: a. The guilds name, abbreviation, and alignment (Light, Neutral, or Dark), b. The guild type (Combat or Non Combat), c. The name of the proposed guild councilor, d. Listing of all active members holding rank in the guild. 4. After applying, new guilds have a 72 hour waiting period. 5. If theres no exception called, the CAs office posts the applying guilds roster on the RWC message board, at which time, the guild is considered to be an official member. B. Exception to Council Membership 1. Exception: A request by one or more RWC Councilors to bar the entrance of an applying guild. Such a call requires a formal letter addressed to the FC, SC, and CAs office along with proof of the harm or intent of harm the entering guild may cause the RWC. 2. Exception cannot be called for items of a personal nature. 3. If the call is considered valid, majority vote of the council determines if the applying guild is granted or denied membership. C. Definitions of Combat, Non Combat, and Combat Healers 1. Combat member - One who carries combat rank in a guild and fights in war. A combat member must list their guild and rank in their profile to be counted as a valid member of the guild (this includes guilds who are applying for membership). 2. Non Combat member - One who does not carry combat rank in a guild and does not fight in war. A non combat member must list their guild and non combat rank in their profile to be counted as a valid member of the guild. 3. Combat Healers - One who carries combat and non combat rank in a guild. These ranks are separate and are indicated as such in the individuals profile. (Ex: Gondor Lieutenant/HoH Priestess or Commander/High Priestess in Gondor) 4. Guild affiliation and rank must be clearly legible when checked (I.e., Colored profiles are allowed, as long as fonts and backgrounds arent the same color and can be easily read). II. Guild Governance A. Guild Status Changes 1. Guild command and guild councilor changes must be sent to the RWC mailing list. 2. Combat guilds that temporarily change their status to Inactive for internal adjustment must immediately inform the council mailing list. 3. Inactive Status a. Guilds may go Inactive for the following durations: 1) Two weeks (14 days). 2) One month (30 days). 3) Three Months (90 days). b. Penalties for Inactive Status: 1) Ineligible to vote. 2) Not allowed participation in war or forum events. 3) They cannot earn XP. c. Guilds may not go Inactive while they are at war. d. If inactive for longer than one month (30 days), the FC and CAs office will step in to examine the guilds situation. They may lend counsel, where possible. e. Guilds inactive longer than three months (90 days) will be removed. B. Experience (XP) Transactions / Experience Audits 1. Member disappearances (NKU) - If a member above Warrior rank disappears from the realm without leaving a recorded alias (Screen Name) change, s/he is granted 3 days to return before all XPs are lost. 2. Members departing the RWC - This only applies to members who will return at a later date. Such members are encouraged to write a letter to their Guild Leader and the CAs office announcing thier leave of absence so as not to lose thier XP. If no letter is received, the member is considered disappeared (NKU). 3. Transferring Members and Transferring XP a. XPs may not be transferred from one member to another, only one alias to another (SN change for the same character). b. Members may not transfer while their current guilds roster is frozen for war. 4. Experience Audit - when the CAs office and Guild Leader compare records to make sure a guild member is at their rightful rank and XP level. a. If the guild is at war, the individual is pulled from participating and earning XP. b. The CAs office and the Guild Leader have 7 days to complete the audit and adjust the members rank and level, if needed. More time can be granted, but the individual is allowed to return to the war and earn XP. c. An individuals audit of XP is a private issue between the CAs office, the Guild Leader, and the individual being audited. C. Guild Dismissal / Guild Ban 1. Any guild can be dismissed from the council without vote for the following: a. Failure to maintain 15 active members in the guild for 3 consecutive months. b. Inactive for more than 90 days. 2. Any guild can be banned from the Council by majority vote for the following: a. The CAs office finds the guild to be grossly negligent and/or dishonest in the accounting of member XP. b. The guild is found to be cheating. 3. A guild prematurely departing from the council to avoid a ban vote will be considered banned. D. Departure/Resubmission of former RWC guilds. 1. Voluntary Departure a. The Guild Leader notifies the council of their guild leaving voluntarily. b. Individuals may transfer to another guild if they wish. c. Guild may resubmit their roster at any time. 2. Involuntary Departure (not Guild Ban) a. The CAs office notifies the council of guilds removed. b. Individuals may transfer to another guild, if they wish. c. Guild may resubmit their roster after 30 days. 3. Involuntary Departure via Guild Ban a. Individuals may not transfer, they are to leave with the guild. b. Guild may resubmit their roster after 90 days and must pass a successful majority council vote for re-admission. 4. Guild re-applying for membership must follow new guild admission guidelines. III. RWC Rosters A. Roster dates 1. All guilds are to send an updated guild roster to the CAs office. 2. Due dates are posted by the CAs office to the council mailing list. 3. CAs office reviews and returns monthly rosters within 72 hours after posted due date. B. Roster contents 1. A valid RWC roster must: a. List each members alias (SN) in alphabetical order under respective ranks. b. List each members XP earnings in this order: Combat XP / Healer XP / Assassin XP. c. List the Guild Leader, the guilds alignment, and the guilds safe havens (one Member Room, one Private Room). d. Copy war tallies and verified spar records to the bottom of rosters. e. Not have more than 10% of the listed aliases (SNs) invalid or they are barred from participating in war or forum events. 10% is defined as total members minus frozen members (rounded to the closest whole number). 2. Non Combat members, those who hold no combat, healing, or assassin XP, do not count for or against a guild. VI. Guild Roster Template* Guild Name: Guild Acronym: Guild Leader / Second in Command (if any): Names to receive mail (if different from above, limit two per guild): Guild Alignment: Light, Neutral, or Dark (Choose one) Guild Status: Combat or Non Combat Guild (Choose one) Safe Haven: (state one Member room) War Room: (state one Private room) Roster Type: Monthly, War, or Admission (Monthly and War can be combined) Date of last update: Total Membership: 16 Commanders: 4 AragornKg 5200/1900 Priest ArwenQu 5010/2100 High Priestess MithrandirWzd 6000 XTheodenKing 5100 (Frozen) Generals: 3 Gimli Dwf 4000/1100 Healer OoxHaldirxoO 4000/1000 Healer VxLegolas 4000/1200 Healer Captains: 3 Angel Boromir 2500 (SN change from BoromirXx) Cpt Faramir 2550/500 Acolyte Lord Eomer 2760 Lieutenants: 2 FrodoBggns 2290/500 Curate SamwiseGamg 2300/510 Curate Sergeants: 1 Lady Eowyn 1300 Warriors: 2 Pippin40 300 Merry634 300 Non Combat: 2 Elrond 0/2100 High Priest GaIadrieI {gaiadriei} Member Activities: (Please note these changes column style on your roster.) Arriving members: Member transfers to your guild New members Departing members: Member transfers from your guild Resignations Member Changes: (Please note these changes column style or within the roster as shown above) Frozen members Alias (SN) changes Experience Point Earnings: (Copy/Paste official War tallies and verified Spar records here.) *Rosters must be in black ink on white background.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 23:01:13 +0000

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