I Read the News Today Some Things Just Have to Come Out Anybody - TopicsExpress


I Read the News Today Some Things Just Have to Come Out Anybody who has a thought they thought was really profound, had a foreign object introduced to the body, or eaten bad oysters could probably identify with the title of this piece. I had a great piece going which, if I had stayed on course, would have been ready and out by now. Had a great working title. Had great research to back up and flesh out great content. Was kinda looking forward to getting comments back. Both pro and con as I do with all my works. But every now and then a subject will not be denied. So much so that other subjects become irrelevant. At least for the time being. Add the fact that I’m easily distracted, (especially when something is force feed to me 24/7), and I find myself in the place I am now. I was more than content to let the whole Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman thing play out without comment. They had been getting plenty of airtime and any comment anyone made was wrong in some one’s eyes. Let me say right here I’m not a prejudiced or bigot person, and I hate to use the old “Some of my best friends are black” But it’s true. Some of my best friends are also, Hispanic, American Indian, East Indian, Lebanese, Canadian, Scottish, Irish, British, Australian, and just plain American. As I like to think of all of us in this great country. Just ask my friends. Although I may have to take a new tally of who are still my friends after this. Now the only thing I know for sure is that Martin and Zimmerman met up that night. An altercation ensued. Zimmerman ended up beaten up and Martin ended up dead. That’s what I know. I wasn’t there. Neither were you. So if you’re going to talk to people like you were…please don’t is the nicest way I can say it. Not my first choice either. I can tell you what I think happened. The fact that after learning some of Zimmerman’s background that, while he made mistakes, he was not a racial profiler. After learning Martin’s background and seeing pictures other than the sweet angel ones the media would only show till after the trial. I think Martin was in a fantasy of being a gangsta and got into something he should not have. Yes, he is dead and that sucks more than anything I can think of. I am very sorry for that tragic fact. But it is a fact, and facts are starting to look like Martin may have been partly responsible for the events leading to his own demise. But enough of that. What really sucks almost as much as that is the fact that all the race haters from The Whitehouse on down are coming out of the woodwork. Even though they said it was not about race all the carpet baggers like Al, (I refuse to call him Reverend), Sharpton, Jesse, (is he still a Reverend), Jackson, Eric Holder, President Obama, Juan Williams, maybe Bob Beckel, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and everyone at MSNBC, are all out there demanding federal criminal civil rights charges be brought against Zimmerman. They all said in the beginning that all they wanted was a fair trial and they would accept the results. Remember the Chief of Police and lead investigator originally said there was no case there. Well the Chief was forced out of the department and the investigator demoted to patrol. Well they got their special prosecutor, they have had their fair trial, and now want to cry like a spoiled child who didn’t get their favorite toy for Christmas…… and it’s not even freaking Christmas. To be fair Obama, Holder, Harry, (I’m so embarrassed to say he is one of my Senators), Reid, and Nancy, (remember when you think you have it bad, there’s a Mister Pelosi out there), Pelosi want to use this to help ram gun control down our throats. Whereas, the rest of them are spreading their vitriol not for The All Mighty and the fairness that is demanded. But for the almighty dollar that keeps them so comfortable while “their people” suffer and struggle. I would love to see how much cash compared to hate filled words they provide to their “people”. Don’t believe me? Then chew on this. The same weekend the verdict came out. In a city with some of the toughest gun laws in the country. There were 75 gun related homicides committed against young black men. So why doesn’t this this group of hate mongers take their road show there? Could the fact that this city enjoys a black on black violence rate of over 90%, wiping out any racial angle and therefore any money angle have anything to do with it? I will leave that to you, the reader, to ponder. As for me I’m embarrassed for my country when haters like this are given voice. Why? Because they take the 1st amendment and twist it to their liking. Just like the people they supposedly fight. In other news. I have seen where Rolling Stone Magazine used a flattering picture of the Boston Bomber for their cover this month. As that is the most insensitive, stupid, and obvious grab for sales I have ever seen. I ask, please boycott this rag forever. I’m going to borrow from Greg Gutfeld and ask. Can we please just use a picture of a large piece of dog shit to use in place of all these other pictures of this guy? Be more accurate. Please tell me what you think. Also, if you like it tell a friend.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 21:10:39 +0000

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