I SALUTE AND CELEBRATE YOU; THE GALLANT FOOT-SOLDIERS ...... While a majority of my people (an intellectual community) are afraid of facing facts and caught up in the trap of a personality cult and hero-worship, you have dared to think out of the box.. I salute you! Youve have decided to step out of the gag-line and no longer want to be politically correct. Passionate about our liberation, you have said enough is enough! That no longer shall we live in pathological fear of the tribal overlord. You have braved the taming of the Men in Black; endured the backlash of those who perceive you as a threat to the regions undisputed leader and stomached ridiculous monikers like moles, paid up bloggers, traitors, bitter people and even rent seekers. You perpetuate a dangerously democratic message; that our community is too magnanimous to be defined entirely by One Man. I celebrate you gallant foot-soldiers of our communitys liberation today. Alluta continua. (Paraphrased From An Original Post By Omollo Owuor Ngare) Cc... Calvince, Cole, Odingoh, Owidi, Otieno, Odili, Oloo, Okoth, Kokombo, Okoth, JaNabi, Omondi et al
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 13:19:57 +0000

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