I SEE 1914 PRE WAR 1 CONDITIONS TAKING PLACE IN GAZA NOW What we have are entangling alliances in Gaza, which is a power vacuum waiting to be filled. Both Turkey and Qatar are interested in establishing a beachhead. Imagine that, Turkey sitting in the West Bank. And a Qatari seaport in Gaza. As we speak Turkey is getting ready to send another flotilla to provoke us. Remember the Lusitania? Sinking boats can set off a world war. Also, the US is also wanting a piece of the action. This entire scenario smacks of plain old fashioned imperialism. As for the Europeans, it is looking like 1939, anti-Semitism is rampant. France recently had a Krisitallnacht. The Europeans are getting comfortable with Fascism and persecuting their Jews again. I see a terrible frightening war coming if we do not get rid of Hamas now. And next time around, whether it is in 6 months, one year, 2 years, whatever, Hamas will obtain rockets that are smarter, they will overwhelm Iron Dome, and then there will be hell on earth in Israel -- Anyone who thinks this is quiet is good is out of their minds. Geopolitics today are lethal . Hamas have a formula for winning- they are prepared to sacrifice their people for this war. And they know Bibi succumbs to the threats of the foreign powers. Giving them money or more access to trucking in more war material is insane. Qatar has endless money with which to pay off the border guards and Egyptian officials. I recall a week ago when Bibi mentioned how Israel is proportionate -- my G-d, he has even bought our enemies lingo, and concepts of war. I am afraid for the first time ever. I fear for my child who is there, for my dear friends and family, and our safety here in the diaspora. God help him if he endangers our children, when he had the opportunity to destroy Hamas. To think that our children will die in vain makes me shudder with anger and fright. He should not give an inch to them. Nothing. he should not even talk to them. Instead he should go ahead and shut off the electricity and let the Gazans stew in their own excrement. They voted Hamas into office, let them get rid of them. I would make life impssible for them. And for sure, take Paliwood down, bomb that hotel where the CNN and other leftist groupies hangout, drinking martinis all day. Why should they have creature comforts? What I find most amazing is that Hamas has built a underground city that is locked to the citizens of Gaza. The heat should be cranked up, make the natives restless so that they take action to remove Hamas. Make life a living hell for Gazans now. We have no choice, even if it means we get boycotted by Europe or the US. What could be worse then losing our country?
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 04:54:25 +0000

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