I SEE SO MANY PRAYERS ARE BEING ANSWERED AS WE PRAY IN THE MIGHTY & UNFAILING NAME OF JESUS ~ Many Testimonies Keep Pouring In...! I wanna say this with all humility & it is not for any self-glorification BUT IT IS ALL ABOUT JESUS, TO SHOW FORTH HIS GLORY ALONE BCOS HE IS THE ONE THAT IS DOING IT NOT ME, AM ONLY AN ORDINARY VESSEL HE IS USING & I FEEL PRIVILEGED TO BE USED BY HIM. I WILL CONTINUALLY BE LOYAL TO HIM FOR ALL THE DAYS OF MY LIFE. No Pride. No Showing Self But Only Showing Jesus To The World. Time will not permit me to tell u of the many testimonies Ive been receiving virtually from all those that have previously sent in their prayer request and as I lift them up & present them before the THRONE OF GRACE & before THE MERCY SEAT, the LORD JESUS answers ALL THE PRAYERS PRAYED ON THEIR BEHALF. Sometimes, when people request for prayers, it is not as if I dont like to pray for people but bcos I prefer them to HAVE A PERSONAL FAITH IN GOD, that is to also have a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LORD & pray directly to our Father which is Heaven bcos HE IS THE SAME GOD YESTERDAY, TODAY & FOREVER and what He is doing through me, He can also do it through anyone here who is willing to submit Himself or Herself completely for God to use Him or Her bcos GOD IS NOT A RESPECTER OF PERSONS, THEREFORE, THERE IS NO FAVORITISM WITH GOD. Let Me Just Share some few testimonies as time & space permits me: 1. A brother asked for prayers concerning an exams he has been writing & failing for over 4years now but God just granted him success this month, He passed wonderfully after the prayer - NIGERIA. 2. A sister said she is confused abt what God wanted her to be & do in life, kind of she dont know her purpose in life, then I prayed for her over the phone & God spoke to her clearly the next day, she was so happy - NIGERIA. 3. This brother didnt even specify his prayer request, he only said that i shd pray for him that he is having challenges in the family. I didnt knw then that part of the challenge ws that he has been out of job since 4 months ago. But all the same i prayed for him & within a week, he got a job & even in his family, God is seriously working - AUSTRALIA. 4. A sister said she was having problem, feeling sick that she needs prayers & i did prayed for her. God answered & healed her completely - GERMANY. 5. A brother said i shd pray for him that he is having cold & fever. I did prayed for him & the fever left him though gradually - USA. 6. A sister had her daughter healed instantly from serious fever after a prayer of anointing being transfered to her thru Facebook prayer. She laid hands on her daughter & prayed the prayer i sent to her & God did the miracle by his mercy - PHILIPPINES. PRAISE JESUS & TO HIM BE ALL THE GLORY BOTH NOW & FOR EVER. THERE HAVE BEEN ALSO COUNTLESS TESTIMONIES OF REAL-LIFE TRANSFORMATIONS THAT TOOK PLACE IN THE LIVES OF THOSE THAT WERE BOND BY THE BONDAGE OF SIN, SATAN & SICKNESSES, THEY WERE ALL DELIVERED THROUGH PRAYER OF FAITH IN THE NAME OF JESUS. (I believe there are still many testimonies still yet to come). LAST NIGHT, IN MY PERSONAL NIGHT VIGIL, I Sincerely Sought The Face of The Lord Jesus & Prayed DANGEROUS PRAYERS Against The Evil Spirit of EBOLA VIRUS DISEASE (EVD) & THE LORD JESUS PROMISED TO WIPE IT OUT OF THE WORLD COMPLETELY & THE WHOLE WORLD WILL KNOW THAT THERE IS A GOD IN HEAVEN THAT RULES & REIGNS EVEN IN THE AFFAIRS OF MEN. Even those that were already affected by this deadly disease & are still alive will be recovered miraculously. I can assure u that u will hear this over the news & on Internet - JUST STAND STILL & SEE WHAT GOD WILL DO; HE IS THE LORD & HE CHANGES NOT! THERE IS NO DOUBT IN MY HEART ABOUT THIS BCOS I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANY TIME, ANY PLACE, ANY WHERE & ANY DAY THAT THE NAME OF JESUS HAS LOOSED IT POWERS, OH NEVER. EVEN DEVIL, DEMONS, DISEASE, & DEATH LOOSE THEIR POWERS & ALL KNEES BOW IN SUBMISSION TO THE ALMIGHTY & ALL-POWERFUL NAME OF JESUS. Hahahahahaha :D :D :D :D :D :D :D Have Respect On The Name Of Jesus. Honour & Obey His Word That We Speak Unto U Bcos They Are Spirit & Life. PRAISE YE THE LORD!!!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 08:48:30 +0000

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