I SHALL NOT DIE BUT LIVE, AND PROCLAIM WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE! ~Psalm 118:17 Thanks for praying for me. Im truly feeling blessed, for many reasons. (sorry in advance if this msg. is incredibly long. I hope it all shows). Anyway, its been a relaxing day overall. Im at the center with Dad. Mom left for a few days. My great grandmas funeral service is going on, I believe, yet I feel at peace. I was upset thru most of the week since, as of now, transport would be too taxing on my body. I wanted to say goodbye in the physical sense yknow? I was very upset at times. Yet now, I couldnt be happier for her. She was 98. She said herself she was ready to go to Heaven and she passes peacefully. She is in paradise, looking over her loved ones and feeling happier than ever. I also wrote her a letter that was put in the casket, and Mom recorded the service for me. Praise God for everything. That said, I have been a bit anxious over my chest tumor. Im scared of it getting bigger and more deformed and choking me...YET EVEN THEN I SEEM TO BE ABLE TO CAST THE EVIL THOUGHTS AWAY WITH QUICKNESS. I have so many of Gods children on my side praying. I KNOW THE HEALING IS DONE. ALL IS WELL. I am sorry again for typing a lot more than intended, hope I was no burden to you. Thank you again. God bless you. P.S. That communion is still fresh in my mind. It was truly powerful. I could FEEL SOMETHING OTHERWORLDLY FILL ME. Thank you again. I STRIVE TO BE A SERVER OF CHRIST as grand as you. God bless. ~ 08/24/2013 ~ Brenden Wayne Bowen. Psalm 71:14-17 I will keep on expecting You to help me. I praise You more and more. I cannot count the times when You have faithfully rescued me from danger. I WILL TELL EVERYONE HOW GOOD YOU ARE, AND OF YOUR CONSTANT, DAILY CARE. I WALK IN THE STRENGTH OF THE LORD GOD. I TELL EVERYONE THAT YOU ALONE ARE JUST AND GOOD. O God, You have helped me from my earliest childhood - and I have constantly testified to others of the wonderful things You do. 19-21 - Your power and goodness, Lord, reach to the highest Heavens. You have done such wonderful things. Where is there another God like You? You have let me sink down deep in desperate problems. But You bring me back to life again, up from the depths of the earth. You will give me GREATER HONOR THAN BEFORE, and turn again and comfort me. ~jb GREAT IS OUR GOD, and great is His love and GRACE for us! The mind and the heart CANNOT comprehend what He has in store for those He loves......He comes at the time HE DEEMS. No one knows the day or the hour! He is ALL-KNOWING and ALL WISE. He is filled with compassion, and He hears the hearts cries and the prayers of the soul. Dont waste one more moment. Become a child of the Living God! His Son walked the long, lonely, painful walk to Calvary for us, EACH OF US, so we may be called children of God, and have life Eternal and be free of the bondage of sin to overcome the grave. ~jb
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 18:26:29 +0000

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