I SIMPLY WISH TO MAKE THE SELF PROCLAIMED WARRIORS (which in reality are termed as terrorist ) OF ISLAMIC STATE READ THIS. THE BEHEADING OF 2 AMERICAN JOURNALIST AND A BRITISH PHOTO JOURNALIST IS AN ANTI ISLAMIC ACT AS PER THE HOLY QURAN AND IS NOWHERE JUSTIFIED. I CAME ACROSS THIS POST WHILE GOING THROUGH QUORA AND FELT SHARING. IT HAS CLEARLY EXPLAINED THE MEANING OF JIHAD JIHAD- There exists a great misconception regarding jihad (lit. striving or struggle), one of the religious obligations of a Muslim. In the terminology of Islam, jihad is applied both to the purely missionary activities of a Muslim and to his defence of the faith in a physical sense. The first duty, the duty to invite people to Islam, is a permanent duty laid upon all Muslims of all times, while the second is a duty which arises upon certain contingencies. According to the Quran, a jihad which it calls jihad-an kabir-an, or the great jihad, must be carried on against the unbelievers by means of the Holy Book itself (see 25:52). Islam’s greatest jihad is, therefore, not by means of the sword but by means of the Quran, i.e., a missionary effort to carry the message of Islam to all nations. Compulsion in religion is forbidden in clear words: “There is no compulsion in religion” (2:256). And there is not a single instance in the Holy Prophet’s life in which an individual was ever required to confess the faith of Islam at the point of the sword. As regards war and fighting, it is allowed only as a defensive measure against those who take up the sword to annihilate Islam: “Permission to fight is granted to those upon whom war is made, because they are oppressed” (22:39). “Fight in the way of God with those who fight with you, and do not exceed this limit” (2:190). This does not leave the slightest doubt that Islam does not allow aggressive war, nor war for expansion or prestige. It only allows war when a state has been attacked. And even then, if the enemy offers peace, peace must be concluded: “If they incline to peace, you should also incline to it, and trust in God” (8:39). All the battles fought by the Holy Prophet Muhammad and the early Muslims were purely defensive. He and his followers had been subjected to the severest persecution, as Islam began to gain ground at Makka. Even when they fled from their homes and took refuge in distant Madina, the powerful warriors of Makka attacked them in their new homes. Three times did the enemy attack Madina with strong forces to annihilate the Muslim community there. The Quran, therefore, allowed fighting only to save a persecuted community from powerful oppressors. The Holy Prophet was peace-loving by nature, and he believed that making a generous peace was often a better remedy for aggression than annihilation of the aggressor, because it may bring about a real change of heart in the enemy. Hence it was that when, at last, the time came to punish the brutal aggressors, who were at the mercy of the Holy Prophet at the Muslim conquest of Makka, he not only awarded them a general amnesty but let them off without even a reprimand. This act of generosity towards one’s inveterate enemy stands unique in the annals of the world.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 14:07:35 +0000

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