I SO love this It is like trying to explain to young people let - TopicsExpress


I SO love this It is like trying to explain to young people let me make this journey easy for you. Listen to me. I can cut thru decades of crap you will have to go thru in this life. Just listen to me... I tell them that once they reach the age of 50, (hopefully) you will start taking a look back on your life and realize that all this time you have been spending just about every minute striving for, dreaming of and working for THINGS. The best house, the best car, the best clothes, the ritziest vacations ... because you feel like they define who you are. As if you need everyone to look at you and your possessions and think wow, this person is special and successful because look at ALL she has. And then one day, in the quiet of your life, you look at all of your STUFF and realize it does not make you happy. And truly, the only people who matter in this life are the ones who are there for you always - on the days when you are at your lowest, your ugliest, your darkest with no THING to offer but your heart that always glows inside no matter what. And you downsize all of the stuff and surround yourself with the people who love you and try with the time you have left to make some memories that require no THING but each other. And you cry wishing that someone had told you this thirty years ago when you felt better about yourself and your health was in tact and you were not focused on so many if only, woulda, coulda, shouldas. You cannot get back ANY of it. Not a speck of time with those who have passed away or your children growing up. It all flies by. Enjoy the journey for YOU. Give. Keep a little for yourself, but give the rest of it away. You cannot take things with you. But the soul you are working on now, the soul that only rents the body you are in for an unspecified time, that soul goes with you ... give it some peace.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 12:30:43 +0000

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