I SOLD FAE A SILKY OAK DUCHESS – BEDSIDE CABINET. Fae Logan was talking that she wanted to get some furniture, an extra chest of draws to fold her underwear in. Ivy couldn’t help her with it. I overheard that and asked, you want to buy a nice chest of draws? It’s hard wood and I don’t need it. I’ll give it to you for only six dollars. I told her where it came from. If I don’t sell it, I’ll throw it out on the sidewalk when the next Council collections come. I brought it to her and she paid me $6.00 straight away. That’s Silky Oak she said, antique and it looks like new. I don’t like carting furniture around with me when I move house, there’s no-where to put it, so it has to go in the cellar under the house. Being the off-week between pensions I had bit extra money to spend for groceries for myself. I had too many shirts and not enough trousers or jeans, but I made do with what I had. When someone threw a box of clothes at the door of a charity shop, I took it. Other people do the same. Somebody told me to do it. It’s not really stealing you know? Someone dumps them at the door and they get taken by drunks in the night, you need better clothes, get them and if you got too many, give them your oldest things garment for garment. I took the hint. Whenever I saw a box of clothes on the doorstep of any thrift shop in West End, I took them and later, I took the oldest garments I had to West End Markets and put them in the rag bin a garment for garment.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 07:47:38 +0000

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