I STRONGLY Believe that the beast image will be TECHNOLOGY and - TopicsExpress


I STRONGLY Believe that the beast image will be TECHNOLOGY and UFO/Alien deception-based. A Strong Delusion [[2 Thessalonians 2:11]], Even the elect will be deceived if possible - HARD To stomach the UFO/Alien stuff, I know but remember, it will be a TIME SUCH AS NEVER WAS BEFORE [[ nor will ever be again Daniel 12:1]] . These topics are FLOODING television, the PRIME TOOL of the new world order cronies. A.Crowley summoned up an entity and drew it. What did it LOOK like? A GREY [[ Alien ]]. TESLA created magnetic and electrical based FLYING SAUCERS!! This is ALSO described in Daniel - This book is RARELY known but VERY informative [[ First written in the late 70s ]] CHECK IT OUT :
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 17:43:55 +0000

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